Well here he is in his essentially completed state. I've run out of time (got a family wedding this weekend and after that I will be staying with the brother in question) so I've needed to bite my tongue about a few of the finer points. I'm also worried that if I carry on poking I will break more than I fix... I'm sure nobody here knows that feeling. :curl-lip:
I'm not entirely pleased with the face. It looks reasonable from a short distance away but I was hoping for better. Between mucking around trying to get the base done and touching and retouching the makeup, there is now entirely too much paint down there and I've started to cover up the finer detail, a real pity since the model was so sharp. It means that it isn't particularly smooth or controlled, but I suppose that isn't a tragedy considering the model.
I'll take a look in the morning and might do one or two small touch ups and possibly give the base a little more attention. I'm not too happy with it in plane grey but I'm a little worried that adding a hue or two will detract from the model. Thoughts?
I intend to start varnishing him tomorrow evening and then get him packed and wrapped. Unfortunately I don't have my photo equipment with me so the gallery shots will have to wait until I get back home in a couple of weeks time.
As always I'd love to get any feedback on what works and what doesn't.
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