I've spent a couple of short sessions on shading the tartan... and I'm not particularly happy with it. Friday is fine - there isn't much tartan on her but Spigot isn't great. I went in a little heavily on the shadows so the entire thing is a little too dark and it's difficult to raise this back to the midtone because the tartan IS the mid tone. That's something I may have to live with but I think I'll try to raise the highlights a little further and see if that balances it out. The red has also become too dark but that should be pretty easy to pick up. With the previous models I put the red on after shading the blue and green, but that meant that the red wasn't shaded. This time I applied the red first and now it's too dark... may try to do it half way through the shading on the next one.
After I've finished the tartan shading I'll work on the details above the tartan (patches and stitches on Spigot, leather thongs on Friday) and add Friday's hip barrel. In game she has a skill called "I shoot better after a beer". I should note that this is a football game and she is the team's striker... they are brewers after all.
I also want to do a little more work on the reds, they are still a little flat, but beyond that I think I'm pretty happy. It should be one or two more sessions and then ready for the varnish... but I'm pretty sure I've said that before.
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I do have one question though. I've been adding a little matte medium to my glazes recently and it's helped a lot with the shine (you'll see the only really shiny part is the tartan at the moment). Initially I used Citadel's Lamia Medium but it's a very small pot and pretty expensive, so I picked up some W&N medium. Unfortunately it seems like i might have picked the wrong pot, instead of being liquid and clear like the Citadel product, it's a white paste. It seems to dry clear but when used with very small amounts of paint (like when glazing) it definitely affects the colour. I was wondering if I did buy the wrong product and there is actually a better one out there or if this is what they normally look like... if so, is there a work around or should I just get used to working with it?