Stompa Gargant W.I.P.


New member
Yes, but Peter Selers makes no sense as it was Slim Pickins who rode the bomb. Peter Selers was in a wheel-chair back at the white house war room.


New member
And several other characters too! But I\'d like to see that whole rodeo-style: one-handed, waving a stetson in the air gobbo!


New member
How ya doin. I don\'t have any pictures to prove my ability to convert, so you\'ll just have to trust me on this. You\'re stuck because the head doesn\'t look right on the body, right?
I\'ve honestly never been happy with the head on your project and I\'ve been waiting for the proper opportunity to chime in and let you know.
The head can keep the pit of grots and still look right. All you have to do is scale down the top portion. I really wish I still lived in NJ so I could come over and help you with the wiring and switch.
I put lights in my tanks on a regular basis. I work with small scale electronics every day, and I can tell you that there are smaller, better switches available that will fit in a smaller head.
Again, you don\'t have to reduce the size of the whole head. Take a look at your drawing. The jaw size is fine but the top of the head is HUGE. It\'s at least 1/3 larger than it should be.
I hope this helps. Good luck with WD, and don\'t let those thieves at GW steal your idea like they did mine!


New member
Originally posted by rextalon
I put lights in my tanks on a regular basis. I work with small scale electronics every day, and I can tell you that there are smaller, better switches available that will fit in a smaller head.
Do you have any part numbers or exact names for the sorts of components you use? There seem to be so many types of switch I just dont know what I am looking at! I am in the UK and would likely be buying from as my source so if anyonw can point out some stuff on there that might help me with this sort of project I\'d be most grateful



New member
@rextalon: Which idea of yours did they steal? I noticed they stole Cyril\'s \"Autopsie\"....




New member
Don\'t know if I\'d say they stole it, but the tables are rather similar - at least the side monitors are.

I think I\'m going to steel cyril\'s color scheme for my genestealers though.:eek:


New member
I\'m not denying Cyril his genius, it\'s just there\'s only so far you can go with a surgical talbe. I mean, here\'s a real one:


I think the guy complaining about the giant had a better claim.

[edit] on second thought I change my mind. Cyril had the idea of doing a dissecting table. There\'s really no reason for GW to make one since you never do a field dissection in the middle of a battle.


New member
I believe that GW have the rights to use images of the model how ever and where ever they want, but not the specific model itself.

And whats this complaint about the giant? I never heard/read about that...


New member

I also think the head looks quite good. I don\'t think it appears big. (even if it did, most of GW\'s lines aren\'t 100% proper proportioned anyways).



Super Moderator
SOMETIMES it\'s ok to hi-jack a thread, sometimes it\'s not.
This in my opinion is not one of those threads.
Please allow jamsessionein the ability to continue this thread on the Stomper Gargant.
If you want to discuss/berate GW (Again) Open another thread.

Thank you!
I think we may have met..

Hey, Ein. Are you the guy I keep running into from Hiway hobby that built the battle wagon out of scratch? I\'ve also run into you at GW Palisades a few times. You\'ve seen my Orks. I have the one warboss with the huge box-liek powerklaw. If you stop by palisades now, you can see my Mega armored Warboss in the case. I actually got 1st cut with him in Baltimore Golden Demon of this year. Unfortunately I didn\'t get anything else.
If it IS you, I HAVE to see this thing in person. I\'ve started my own stompa, but nowhere near as elaborate as yours. Keep up the fine work.
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