Important legal consideration: If you\'ve posted an article on CMON, please take a look at this.


New member
Hi Orky dave,

can you perhaps tell us which of the articles from the coolminisite are in the book (or which ar not if that\'s faster?) I can\'t get into the Tokyo underground site to check for some reason (busy?) so I don\'t know if I should drop a note at Ebay.

As to his reaction to Klute\'s mail! Copyright notices are not required to make something copyrighted. In this case he should have contacted the writers for permission. Please forward this link to him: He doesn\'t seem to know much about it.

I\'ll also drop a note on this on some other forums to let people know. A lot of people publish on internet and there seems to be unclarity on the legal status of such articles.

Bye, Ming-Hua

Infidel Castro

New member
See, and that should be the end of that. Very few forums will miss this matter now and the guy will be hard-pressed to sell any in any guise. The majority will out!
Originally posted by reverend
Townsend my good man, it\'s not amusing in itself. It\'s the Ronnie Biggs mentality. The sheer derring-do caused me great mirth, and whilst I agree the fella should be brought to \'justice\' I just don\'t see the need for the huge outcry that\'s gone up. The guy did wrong but I believe in second chances lol

I don\'t Rev. This eejit has had plenty of opportunities to come clean and has made a rather nice sum off the back of those here. Part of me is ready to up arms, the nastier part is ready to commit a weapons grade prank when this person comes back on line.

Edit: And by prank I mean practical joke....


New member
Its the moral thingywhatsit though.

He claims to be \"helping the community of painters\" or something like that. How is he helping them by selling them stuff they can get for free? I could charge people £4 for a word document and all thats in it it a hyperlink to the articles section. Its more or less the same as what this guys done.

I love it when people are naughty, it lets me rant and rave and it pads my post count :)


New member

Well, I might have missed it, but I think Kblaes and RobSkib deserve a hearty round of applause and \"thank you\'s\" for bringing it to our attention (although it seems Klute saw it a little while ago, too)


New member
Concerning what is in the ebook.

Every frikkin article that is on coolmini.
Good, bad and ugly.

It has been nicely formatted and put together and I genuinely believe the guy has spent some time on it,

Im with Rev though.
The guys a dick plain and simple but I for one wont be going to any courts.
And yes.....I have several articles in it.


New member
I see. Ok, then I suppose I should let Ebay know as well. Anyway, don\'t feel like dragging him to court either but do feel like kicking his butt to make sure he learns this lesson in copyrights. Oh, and basic politeness (even without copyright he could have asked us!). :)


New member
The web server at that IP is down, but the computer at that IP is still up. Most likely he took it down to prevent any more downloads.

I wonder if his \"how to draw anime\" e-book was the same sort of deal as the mini painting e-book?

He appears to be hosted through Cable Internet Ltd (blue yonder.) The abuse address is

For reference:
IP lookup here:
Info page for his IP here:


New member
Hiya, I downloaded it and saved to hard drive, theres 8 chapters and all have different articles in. If anyone wants copies to see if their stuff has been used, I will be happy to send you an e-mail of the chapter you think your stuff may be in. It might be easier if I could send a copy to a webmaster or head honcho type moderator guy to check the articles and inform the authors though as I am a complete and utter technophobe! (believe me-message boards like this are a big step for me!)
Anyhoos, the chapters are-
Miniatures step by step
Art of photography
Brushes and tools
General painting and modelling

rather than clog up the message board with requests my e-mail address is

I for one agree with Rev though, the guy ballsed up and thats that. Provided he\'s learned his lesson (and I think the backlash on this board would be enough to teach anyone a lesson!) that should be that. Maybe ask him to make a generous financial contribution towards this site? I mean, its not as if the guy has killed anyone (well, to the best of my knowlege!) he just seems like a guy trying to make a fast buck. There were problems when I tried to download this and he went out of his way to ensure I got a copy - if he was a con man he could have just took my £4 and said tough shite! this is just my humble opinion before the lynch mob get on their high horses and go a- lynchin!
Anyway... If I can help anyone out by forwarding them a chapter drop me an e-mail!

I\'ll send you the whole thing for only £3!!lol


New member
I saved it all too in case there was need of evidence once it got pulled down

and I\'ll let you have it for only £2.5 :D


New member
that guy is a very special kind of dick.
blatant plagerism and he lies about it... stick it to him - i really hope some sort of legal action is taken, if not for the authors than for the sake of the mini painting community. what a jerk! im sure he has made quite a bit of cash - and this may not have even been the first time hes done something like this.

now for the ugly stuff. how do you think he found the articles? it is entirely possible that he is a CMON member himself! a horrible prospect - but not unlikely.
let the headhunt begin! :mad:


New member
I\'m sorry for all of this-especially for the people out there that bought the e-book when they could have got the information for free here. I\'m especially upset that part of his editing was to remove the names of the real authors! He may have had a (shaky) leg to stand on if he had at least given proper credit to the authors! :mad:

Something to think about tho-a printed collection of the articles with photos (AND the permission from and credit to the authors) would probably sell well in the CMoN store. I\'ve found the CMoN articles very helpful and I would buy a book of them if it was done legally and properly.

And I sort of agree with the Reverend in that he shouldn\'t be taken to court-he probably will never understand why this is wrong and why those big bad meanies at CMoN are trying to ruin his life. I\'m a big fan of Karmic retribution and I think this guy is in for a doozy-and it\'ll be better than anything a small claims court can dish out!


New member
It is not me. Although if it were me, that probably is the first thing I would say.

Truth is, I wish I had an easy to use full copy of all the articles. I can only get the forums at work, something to do with the sales and possible hasslefree mini pix that everyone loves, but wouldn\'t want to get caught looking at.

Maybe part of his punishment might be to make his hardwork available free as it was meant to be, provided he has to go back and put in all the proper credit where credit is due.

Any thoughts?


New member
anyone in london?

Checking server []

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shags j

New member
Would be a good idea to bind together the good articles etc. I\'d buy one.

Perhaps you could take this guy to small claims etc (if it\'s viable) and donate the money to CMON????


So Ive only just saw this.. was my basework 101 article in their too? I see its all bee pulled down now. I would of like to have seen a copy of this book.

Rat f@cker should be castrated:mad:


New member

for those of you interested in making things official on your articles, have a look at

I\'m not against sharing my work, so I created a liscence that allows reprinting in its original form, with credit to me, and no for-profit republication.

i\'d point you to my two meagre articles so you can see how it looks, but now they are back for review since I\'ve modified them. :)

the code to paate into your articles for that specific variation of the lic., if you want to use it and don\'t want to go through the site is:

<!--Creative Commons License--><a rel=\"license\" href=\"\"><img alt=\"Creative Commons License\" border=\"0\" src=\"\"/></a><br/>This work is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License</a>.<!--/Creative Commons License--><!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:rdf=\"\">
<Work rdf:about=\"\">
<license rdf:resource=\"\" />
<dc:type rdf:resource=\"\" />
<License rdf:about=\"\"><permits rdf:resource=\"\"/><permits rdf:resource=\"\"/><requires rdf:resource=\"\"/><requires rdf:resource=\"\"/><prohibits rdf:resource=\"\"/></License></rdf:RDF>


New member
Hahaha!!! We\'ve got his address.

Might get my lawyer mate to write up a real bowel-mover of a letter just for a laugh!!!lol
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