Important legal consideration: If you\'ve posted an article on CMON, please take a look at this.


New member
Originally posted by Klute
Peter if I am correct he would not be able to keep anything he has made from it but we probably wouldn\'t see anything either.
You could pretty easily get a judgment. It\'s a lot of work collecting the money though. Still, depending on how much he got it might be worth it. Every author would be entitled to a proportional share of his profits, but if you have to hire a lawyer you might be talking only a couple bucks left over each.
Hmmm. I\'ve never heard of a class action copyright suit but I guess this would be one. You could of course have his profits turned over to CMON if you all agreed, and CMON could get a reasonable sum.
The suit shouldn\'t be hard and if I were a UK lawyer I\'d do it pro bono, but I\'m not and I don\'t know if there\'s a UK lawyer on the forums.

Of course depending on the situation, you could just do it to hurt him. If he hasn\'t got the cash you could force him to sell his home - at least in the USA you could.

(Lawyers know how to do these things. That\'s why people think we\'re evil, but we can\'t do them on our own, only if our employers tell us to.)


New member
The whole document is in PDF and split into several sections. In total over 30 megs.

Looks like the last pull was....

Photography the basics before you start in photoshop

by War Griffon



New member
I think Vinc\'s suggestion of any monies that may be forthcoming go to Cmon is a good angle. I for one did not lose anything from this it is just annoying that some turd gets to profit from everyone elses freely given efforts.


New member
I wouldn\'t count this money quiet yet. The amount we\'re talking about is so minimal it would not cover any laywer, or attract any laywer to do it. The only real point would not be monitary but rather symbolic to help everyones wounded pride.

Now, if we hadn\'t noticed for many more months and he\'d made 10,000-20,000+ from it, then we\'d have had something perhaps.

Honestly, the fact it\'s stopped is probably about as far as i\'d image this going.


Secret Crocodile
I think you guys are all getting more than a little wound up about this for the wrong reasons.

Yes, it was naughty of him not to ask you guys first and not to leave your names on, but please remember you put them up for free? You aren\'t losing anything of monetary value as you have already given the information away. Like I\'ve said before, these are pictures and tutorials about toy soldiers. This isn\'t going to break anyones career anywhere, change their home or personal situation, and hadn\'t upset anyone until it was put up here.

I think Chern Ann has a right to complain if he wants as he had copyrighted the site (and its known that he publishes information from it), but complaining cos he has made less than £1000 for selling his 100 copies I think is a bit silly. Loads of people here want to have this stuff printed so they can look at it offline and he made the effort and did it so people didn\'t have to compile the information.


Disclaimer - **This is of course my own personal opinion and you can tell me to shove it up my nose if you like ** lol


New member
Originally posted by Evil Dave
Let he without one illegally downloaded MP3 on his computer throw the first stone.
Where\'s the pile of rocks? (I can only say that as I put in a new hard drive and lost all my music. Besides that my \"free\" copy of Dawn of War might be incriminating as well.)
Originally posted by Fizl
I think you guys are all getting more than a little wound up about this for the wrong reasons.

Yes, it was naughty of him not to ask you guys first and not to leave your names on, but please remember you put them up for free? You aren\'t losing anything of monetary value as you have already given the information away. Like I\'ve said before, these are pictures and tutorials about toy soldiers. This isn\'t going to break anyones career anywhere, change their home or personal situation, and hadn\'t upset anyone until it was put up here.

I think Chern Ann has a right to complain if he wants as he had copyrighted the site (and its known that he publishes information from it), but complaining cos he has made less than £1000 for selling his 100 copies I think is a bit silly. Loads of people here want to have this stuff printed so they can look at it offline and he made the effort and did it so people didn\'t have to compile the information.


Disclaimer - **This is of course my own personal opinion and you can tell me to shove it up my nose if you like ** lol

I totally agree with you..I posted my article with the knowledge that its gonna get used. Hell the copy on my website is hot linksed all over the place and every so often I change the address to screw that up but the whole idea was to share some information. The fact that the little prick took them and made some money off them is annoying and well he should get a few lumps for being a cheeky bastard!


Super Moderator
Originally by Dragon forge Design
The fact that the little prick took them and made some money off them is annoying and well he should get a few lumps for being a cheeky bastard!
It\'s pigging me off that so many people have purchased this and in reality are being ripped off, when in fact they could have come here and been aided. Probably more so that the articles alone could have helped them.
His Ebay history is showing that he\'s \"Produced \" a book on drawing Manga, as he says complied.
So this is not the first time he\'s pulled stuff together to line his own pocket.

Infidel Castro

New member
It\'s fair to say that thesmall claims court can probably get the dosh back, so solicitors would barely need a look-in, but it all comes down to effort vs outcome. The next step then, is whether or not the individuals who bought the lovely book want thei cash back. Once all that\'s taken care of there\'s very little left. It\'s more fun to bitch about it in reality, as it takes less energy and time. However everyone certainly has the right to challenge the matter if their stuff was nabbed and used without notice.

I keep my tutorials in my head where noone can get them :D


New member
Yeah exactly. Its the fact that he is selling it, when its a free resource that gets to me as well.

I\'ll do what Mike is doing with the cease and decist order. Hopefully if enough of us do that then he\'ll get the message and stop.

I also believe it would be a useful thing for CMON to publish all the articles as a book (with the profits going to CMON, seeing as there does indeed appear to be a market for it).

No Such Agency

New member
Originally posted by Fizl
I think you guys are all getting more than a little wound up about this for the wrong reasons.

Yes, it was naughty of him not to ask you guys first and not to leave your names on, but please remember you put them up for free? You aren\'t losing anything of monetary value as you have already given the information away. Like I\'ve said before, these are pictures and tutorials about toy soldiers. This isn\'t going to break anyones career anywhere, change their home or personal situation, and hadn\'t upset anyone until it was put up here.

I think Chern Ann has a right to complain if he wants as he had copyrighted the site (and its known that he publishes information from it), but complaining cos he has made less than �1000 for selling his 100 copies I think is a bit silly. Loads of people here want to have this stuff printed so they can look at it offline and he made the effort and did it so people didn\'t have to compile the information.


Disclaimer - **This is of course my own personal opinion and you can tell me to shove it up my nose if you like ** lol
I\'m cheesed because I wrote an article for free, so that people could read it for free, and print it off to keep if they so wished... for free.

To put it in mp3 terms... your band, a not-for-profit \"fun\" enterprise which makes you no money, posts a bunch of free mp3\'s on a website, and suddenly some guy is selling those as a CD on eBay. Sure, he\'s only charging &4 a pop, but that\'s not the point. His costs are undoubtably less, so he is making a profit, and using others\' work without permission to do it. The MONEY is making us angry because we didn\'t intend our writing to be used that way.

I guess what it\'s really like is \"Free Software\" (eg Linux). the license says anyone can give it away and pass it on, but they have to keep it free.


New member
Don\'t see why this shit head should get to keep the money. Getting it back and donating the cash would be a fitting end to the matter.


New member
Originally posted by reverend

I keep my tutorials in my head where noone can get them :D

Rev, I shall come and pick your braaaaiiinnnnn...lollol

The guy has shut his shop down and is probably shitting bricks right now. Hit him with a writ or something and make him cough up a settlement of his own free will. Then do what you collectively want with the cash.


New member
Originally posted by marineboy
Originally posted by reverend

I keep my tutorials in my head where noone can get them :D

Rev, I shall come and pick your braaaaiiinnnnn...lollol

I already have!! :D And now I\'m going to publish what I found and become filthily rich!! :innocent:


New member
Originally posted by Ritual
Originally posted by marineboy
Originally posted by reverend

I keep my tutorials in my head where noone can get them :D

Rev, I shall come and pick your braaaaiiinnnnn...lollol

I already have!! :D And now I\'m going to publish what I found and become filthily rich!! :innocent:

I\'ve got 4 quid, Ritual, and will be needing a username and password to that e-book, thank


New member
His website ( seems to be up again. I tried the log-in that the OP listed but it doesn\'t work now.
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