that\'s what he ment by editing: removing author names
Okay, I don\'t pretend to be a UK lawyer, but what he did violates US copyright, and the UK probably would enforce them under a UN treaty.
It used to be that copyright notice was required, but that was long ago. Anyway, the website has Chern\'s copyright notice in any case.
The guy may think because it\'s on the web it\'s free. We know it\'s not. I\'d sue him if I were a UK lawyer. If sued, he would have to give back all profits he received from the sale to all the authors. You guys aren\'t going to get much, but there is a principle involved.
I didn\'t see what he posted, but if it included photos - which I assume it did - then there may be other types of artists rights involved as well.
Oh, and he didn\'t list the manufacturer names for copyright reasons - translates to, if I said GW or Warhammer, the GW lawyers would pull my auction. Just cause you guys aren\'t a corporation, doesn\'t mean you don\'t have rights or power to enforce them.