Fantabulous! The top one already, on the ax handle, the wirst of the glove, the shoe and any other area where the surface curves away from the lightsource, blend it - smooth the transition to black.
In the exact opposite direction of the light source(from side/below aiming up) imagine a moon light shining down from the other side, comming down at about a 45 degree angle. With blue with just a bit of white added. Now, cover your eyes if you dont like seeing naughty words ----------- drybrush. Drybrush on the dark side. Dont get too agressive at first. Keep the blue not too dark, not too light and drybrush enough that you can definately see it and it\'s contrast with the black. I know that\'s vague but this is one of the difficulties of doing this electronically which is one of the reasons I say to take it slow.