Drafting a Cmon Army:Banding for charity


New member
If GW do not get involved I already have the Army deal minus the ltd Tyrant as I already painted that and sent it to a friend of mine in London as a birhtday gift. I have replaced the tyrant with the standard model so that is on offer for someone to paint as well.
There is therefore no need to lay out any more cash than is realy needed just possibly the odd core troops box for army size.
If all other roads leed to a dead end then this is one that will remain open and the attempt to do something for the appeal need not come to naught.


New member
Hi all... I\'ve just emailed Tammy to inform her of my interest to join in with this project too. So if there\'s still the need for painters, count me in too :)

TAB Studio

New member

Our own Frustrated Father has written a press release.
It is in English and French.
Any other translators out there???
I have placed a download link for the Word format document so you may all place it on your site, at stores, in your local papers. The sky is the limit.
I am going to put it on my Store and eBay ME page The me page can have a link to the site on eBay (it is allowed) a little advance interest can not hurt.... some you that auction and have pages ....?
Dark Zealot I will keep an eye open for your avatar if you have a file on your computer you can send it to me or right when I see it I will snap it up


New member
i could translate it to german but unfortunately not right now since im so incredible sleepy i would plaster the text with mistakes, i could do it tomorrow if theres no problem with that
by the way could you please give me the html line for linking the paintaid pic with the page? i could just manage to link the pic itself :(
sorry im a html newbie


New member
I did a translation, however I would like for another fellow German to proofread it:

Das Tsunami-Desaster in Asien am 26.12.2004 war ein unglaublicher Schlag gegen viele Länder,

Gemeinschaften, Familien und Einzelpersonen mit einer uberwältigend hohen Anzahl an Todesfällen

und Verlusten von Hab und Gut.

Die Einwohner sechsundfünfzig Länder wurden von diesem tragischen Ereignis getroffen und viele

Regierungen, Firmen und Privatpersonen gaben von Herzen kommende Spenden in der Hoffnung, den

Schmerz der Opfer zu lindern und den Prozess des Wiederaufbaus zu beschleunigen. Egal ob durch

Spendengelder, durch Baumaterial oder Arbeitskraft, die Reaktion der Welt war überwältigend, und

doch wird leider mehr gebraucht.

Mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf sammelte sich eine Gruppe von Künstlern, Bemalern und

Modellierern der Seite Cool Mini Or Not (abgekürzt CMON), von denen viele schon privat

freigiebig gespendet haben, mit dem Ziel, zusätzliche finanziellen Mittel für die Opfer zu


Miniaturbemalung ist eine sehr aussagekräftige Kunst, welche sich aus Miniaturkriegsspielen

entwickelte, welche in de rganzen Welt gespielt wurden und werden und sich grösstenteils mit

Konflikt und Taktik beschäftigt. Von diesen Spielen ausgehend entwickelte sich das Bemalen zu

einer Kunstform, und die Begeisterung und Popularität dieser Freizeitbeschäftigung stieg in den

letzten Jahren vor allem auf weltweiten Treffen stark an.

Auf diesem Grundgedanken aufbauend wurde \"Paint Aid\" in das Leben gerufen, mit dem Ziel, eine

komplette Armee des beliebten Fantasy-Tabletop-Spiels Warhammer der Firma Games Workshop zu

bemalen und zu modellieren. Dieses bekannte Spiel erfreut sich wachsender Beliebtheit und die

jährliche Convention, Games Day, ist auf der ganzen Welt bekannt und bietet Spiel- und

Bemalwettbewerbe. Der Wettbewerb wurde von Jahr zu Jahr härter und Miniaturbemalung wurde

realistischer, und obwohl sich Viele für den Golden Demon oder das Slayer Sword bewerben, werden

nur die besten Künstler damit ausgezeichnet. Mehrere Gewinner dieser geachteten Trophäen traten

dem \"CMON Paint Aid\" bei, um ihre Zeit und ihr Talent enzubringen.

Sobald die Armee bemalt und an einem Orte gesammelt ist, wird sie über eBay durch die \"Mission

Fish Nonprofit Organisation\" verkauft und 100% des Auktionsendbetrages wird der \"Brothers

Brother Foundation\" gespendet, eine Organisation welche im Forbes Magazine als Nummer 1 für

Effizienz bewertet wurde.

Die Mitglieder des CMON Paint Aids bitten sie darum, sich uns anzuschliessen, wenn unsere

Gedanken und Arbeiten auf Hilfe für die Opfer dieser Naturkatastrophe ausgerichtet sind.

Joshua, for the HTML do the following:
<a href=address of whatever webpage you want to link to>ACTUAL LINK (Be it a picture, text, whatever)</a>

If you want it to open in a new window, add target=_new after the href part.

Oh wait, for the forum it would be [*url=ADDRESS YOU WANT TO LINK TO*]TEXT/PIC FOR LINK[*/url*] (and remove the stars of course).
I just thoght of some thing who ever is posting the finished army on ebay my want to try to contact ebay and pay pal to see if they would wave the fees as if it does go for what tammy hopes ebay will charge a $100 or more and pay pal will be taking 3 to $600 being for charity they shoud hopfuly work with us.


New member
About that press release. I would not yet publish it. Let\'s wait untill we know GW is in so we know if they should be in the press release.

Another thing, I think we could also use a shorter version (going from the German text) which is more suited for sending as a post to forums and such.

DM of Doom

New member
Count me in...

I just realized that I haven\'t offically opted in to help paint yet. :eek: I\'ve been busy helping TAB and IPM around the house with this and realized that even though they know I\'m in, you all don\'t.

I hereby volunteer to slap paint on the most insignificant mini in the army (whatever that might be) and I promise to have the ladies here double check my work. (i usually get them to anyway...)

my credentials: um. painting since \'93 or so. Haven\'t entered anything into anything, and therefore have no awards.

email: thehedgewizards@tampabay.rr.com

@ TAB: use my avatar? sure!

kiss me after you put in on the site? I hope...;)


New member
URGENT. The work on the next copy of the French magazine Ravage will end this friday (14/01/2005). So, if we want to put an announcement in we have to send if ASAP!
Over at Creafigs there are hurrying getting an announcement together for their project.

TAB Studio

New member
**I have loaded the German version in the site. I humbly thank you.
It had line breaks between every line and it is smaller with out them now. I would think a condensed version is available and will ask tonight.
If there are errs please just post an update and I will do a fixer upper.


Brushlicker and Freak!
Just to let you know that I\'m waiting on contacting Aus GW until I know what happens with UK GW, although I\'ll mention it to my friends when I see them next.

Can\'t wait to get painting.


New member
heh.....euh...TAB....it\'s ok tu use my avater. i\'ll get Jakob to send you his and his email adress too(he\'s busy with kid/uni/stuff to check the forums everyday I think)

I\'ll have the list compiled and ready to go somewhere today, I\'m seeing GW peepes to kick them in the butt tonight, and great work for the translation guys!

BTW, i thought it might be a cool idea to open a new CMON acount, to also publish the painting article(s) and the various entries for all to see...with links to the Paint Aid site etc. If you\'re all cool with that i\'ll set it up, called Paint Aid, and a password that only the painters involved will know.

green stuff

New member
Message original : tidoco2222
Is it ok for me to use the paint aid banner and if so how do I get into my signature,I am not very skilled with computers.

Try this ;):

<a href=\"http://paintaid.moonfruit.com/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/southernphuk/paintaidbanner.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>


New member
Thanks green tuff, great idea Tammy.

I have an idea for a speacial army standard bearer I will try to draw something up and let you all see it later.


New member
hey got a new painter to join us. Yandegio. He\'s not as well known as cyril and allan but I can assure you that he is an awsome painter. I\'m in a bit of a hurry right now so I\'ll be sending the info out to tammy latter, but he can be included in. here\'s is gallery Btw, gallery of yandegio


New member
We will be starting soon guys, so please get all your emails int o tammy so that when the minis are here they can all be sent out.

Cheers! :D

green stuff

New member
Message original : frenchkid
hey got a new painter to join us. Yandegio. He\'s not as well known as cyril and allan but I can assure you that he is an awsome painter. I\'m in a bit of a hurry right now so I\'ll be sending the info out to tammy latter, but he can be included in. here\'s is gallery Btw, gallery of yandegio
Indeed, he does some prety awesome stuff. Welcome him on board for us ;).

Just as a reminder, today is the last day to sign up.
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