I\'M ALIVE!!!!!!
Man, I took one hell of a hiatus, didn\'t I? I apologize to you all for that. You know how life happens sometimes. Anyway, after about three weeks with no building I made myself a promise to get you guys an update TODAY. I\'m proud to say I\'ve done just that--on two fronts!
First, I\'ve done the whole rivets-gone-mad thing on the inside of the shoulders, as on the shins. For curiosity\'s sake, I counted as I went...199 rivets on each shoulder. Tally \'em up yourself if you don\'t believe me...I dare you. lol
Second, and in my opinion MUCH more interesting, I\'ve completed the exhaust assembly. Remember those fans I cast? Right here. Along with a healthy dose of technical-looking widgets.
And to cap it all off! (pun intended)
By the way, I realized that I forgot to mention in the plans that this wire mesh is a small-grid wire form, meant to be used as a shell underneath paper mache and clay and the like. Like so many items in this project, it just happened to catch my eye in the art store...anyway. Here\'s the assembly in place atop the Titan\'s back.
It won\'t be glued in place for a while, though. I\'m getting to a point in the project where a lot of things have to come together simultaneously, and I may find myself modifying the chassis to accommodate. I\'d hate to damage this thing trying to rip it off and reposition, it\'s rather fragile. Anyway, I think my next order of business is to handle the rear of the body. There\'s not that much going on besides the huge vents, but I\'m getting tired of having the torso look so naked. Onward I go! And thanks for bearing with me.
PS--I\'ve had a couple inquiries about the written plans, so I\'m going to go ahead and draw up the leg designs sometime in the next week (or two; Easter might suspend operations).