So you think they require Inspire in order to be actually useful?
Well, now that is a pretty wide open question.
WoK is unique among most Wargames, since so much depends on the leaders. Eliminate a leader and you end up with a bunch of rabble racing forward on their own, since unit cohesive actions become tougher, since fewer leaders have to get everywhere to handle all of the infantry.
As for the actual question though, "Do I think they require Inspire in order to be useful?" quick answer is no. They still have 3 wounds, are scary vs rank 1 infantry, and can withstand a couple of attacks from Rank 2 infantry. Add this to their move of 7 and these guys become very good at becoming objective grabbers, or speed bumps to slow down the enemy forces.
The Brood Warrior on his own is more of a defensive piece. When you add Inspire to them, they become offensive troops, gaining additional attack dice and adding in abilities that allow them to hit their opponent easier. But this comes with the standard feel of the Teknes (the welfare of the state is the responsibility of the individual).
Linemen are defensive troops that have the ability to pull friends out of Combat
Workers benefit from standing side by side with other workers, and by sacrificing themselves to increase their effectiveness on the field
Brood benefits kick in when coming to the aid of their allies
Each troop is meh on their own, but when looked at as a whole they build a solid cohesive force that is good at holding the ground that they take. Teknes does not have the shock and awe that Goritsi or Nasier brings to the field, they don't have all the magic tricks that Hadross and Shael Han rely upon, what they have is each other. The common troop who knows that if they don't support each other then they will all fall.