In Memory of A Fallen Clan Member
Due to size limitations, close-ups of the figures from this scene are shown in a separate posting. This was the second of my entries into the GenCon 2006 painting contest. It made first cut in the diorama category of the main competition, and placed fourth in the manufacturer's category. This is a more complex version of a similar scene that I did in the spring. Jim Ludwig of Dark Sword Miniatures contacted me about doing two new scenes using Dark Sword minis sculpted by Dennis Mize. You can see the other here. This one was commissioned as a gift for Mike Noe of Iron Wind Miniatures (aka Ral Partha). Dennis Mize sculpted a lot of the RP/IWM minis, and Mike had known and worked with him for years. I had the good fortune to be able to deliver this piece to Mike in person at GenCon. Seeing how much it moved him and the other folks at Iron Wind Metals is one of the highlights of my painting career. Mike asked for a red and black scheme, and also provided me with pictures of the symbol used in the scene. Red and black are the colours for the Clan Iron Wind medieval recreation society, of which Dennis was a part. He was buried with a pendant of the Clan symbol. The black cloak was a bit of a challenge, I had to keep the layers very thin to avoid streakiness and layer smoothly up. The symbol was also a challenge, it took a lot of layers of white and then red on the shield to get a smooth, bright red result. Weirdly, even though it's so much tinier, the symbol on the gravestone wasn't as much of a struggle. It probably helped that I painted the large version first. The flower bouquets are made from natural plant products painted to the appropriate colours. The standing figure originally carried a dagger, I snipped that off and hollowed out her hand so she could hold a bouquet. The large clumps of grass on the base are bristles from an old toothbrush. The fernlike plant is a brass etched plant piece.
Posted: 24 Aug 2006