Stompa Gargant W.I.P.


New member
Afraid I have to agree and say the middle tooth doesn\'t look right :/

But I reckon the bigger teeth work better than a load of smaller ones...

How about having one of the teeth crooked or damaged - as though they were just bolted on badly (Like orks do)


New member
I say make all the top teeth slightly more narrow so you can fit 3 either side of the center line thus rendering the central shorter tooth unnecessary as the flames could shoot between the teeth ;)

Bloody good walkthrough by the way!


Super Moderator
I will go with the minority it seems and say I like the newly added teeth...

This whole thing is astounding by the way. Keep it up!


New member
Looks awesome! :wow: I agree mit juckto about the bigger tusks, I\'d make them at the 90º angle and file them lightly to make them curvier. Great stuff :)


New member
In the interest of fairness, I gave the alternate jaw a try. No huge loss if I don\'t use it, as it only took about ten minutes to manufacture if I don\'t use it.. I angled the other teeth forward for the sake of it and left the tusks pointing out. The test jaw is rougher than the other one, so please keep that in mind when choosing between the two of them (It probably needs a tooth on the outsides of the tusks, too, now that I look at it.)

In any event, maybe these comparisons will sway some opinions, as I keep getting mixed results.



New member
I definitely prefer the one on the right, though perhaps shaved down a tiny bit so as not to project quite so far of the jaw line.

That\'s just one man\'s opinion of course, and what do I know about orks?


New member
The second one with the longer teeth.
Eventough you are the creator:what do you think of some goblin firing from the mouth?


New member
I\'m waiting for a few more responses from people regarding the jaw.. It seems that everyone I\'m showing it to has their opinions split right down the middle, with some groups liking the traditional warboss look, and others liking the tusks. I may just cointoss it :p




Shot of the gaming base and the diorama base. I hope to add terrain to them both simultaneously so they match. :p


New member
I\'m with vince and penguin on this one, You should go with the right one and shave it down some so they are more triangular then rounded. :D


New member
Doesn\'t hurt to experiment, so I made the tusks a 3-dimensional blade. It probably needs a bit more \'sharpening\', but here\'s the gist:




Just puttied on, so nothing permanent.. but does this look any better? Figured I\'d modify it until I\'m happy, since the head is a very prominent and defining feature of the gant anyway.


New member
To me the tusks just don\'t look like they are really secure on the head. If the cross-section of the join was a square and not a very thin rectangle maybe.... much thicker at the join and angularly tapering to a point.


New member
to me it doesn\'t look like the normal \"just bolt it on\" style for orks. I liked the tusks the other way but the choice is yours.


New member
I sharpened them up a bit.. and put a notch in the back so it seats on the top of the jaw a bit more to look more solidly connected. I don\'t think it looks bad, and with L-brackets on either side of the tusks I picture it working..




Edit: The more I look at this, the more I think this is going to be the final jaw. The tusks fit well when I hold them up to the model itself.


New member
i like the new jaw, but it seems that the tusks should be set in to the jaw more, and they could use some support on the sides; a structural butress.


New member
what about a 90 degree bolting on, one on each side, an L shaped piece of metal that is bolted to the jaw and to the tusk?

P.S. Looking good!
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