Full time gamer? HA, I think I had dreams of that off and on, but I could probably count the miniatures games I've played of all systems combined on my fingers and toes. Those dreams quickly became a realization that I never paint fast enough or am able to call something done to finish an army. And I really never wanted to play anything unpainted. So those dreams are on hold until I can win the lottery and paint full time and probably hire a bunch of you guys here on salary to paint stuff with me?
I say we start a pact, first one to win the lottery/powerball that's over 300 million and retire, hires the others from here for a livable salary to paint full time!! We'll live on a weird compound and nobody will know about it until one of us gets a god-complex, makes it into a religion and the place burns to the ground. It'll be tragic at the end, but up until then, we'll be in mini painting nirvana. WHo's in?
Also, an exchange with you would be a real treat for me. I'd be honored.