Pariahrob's rolling WIP thread.


New member
Nice to get a update. Maybe a bit of NMM round the light switches in the house would spice up the painting? :p
Skin tones are coming along nicely, Something I am trying to improve myself at the moment. It looks like a great mini. I'll look forward to see the next update


New member
Thanks all!

I'm dying to do some more this weekend. If I can stay away from decorating duty for a bit (trying out mmm on light switches is a fantastic idea, although may slow the process down a bit).

BTW> If anybody would like an invite to P&P let me know. First come first served. Just PM me your email.


New member
Right, time for an update. I have done almost nothing with regards to painting for some time. Getting the house (and myself) ready for our first child has taken all my spare time.
However the baby is due in what could be an hour or a fortnight and I'm prepping myself to be up at all hours, so have some projects set.

Need to finish off Bugner and then move onto a delivery from France:



New member
Congrats... Your best mini! I thought i had not enough time for painting, until the second one arrives, where i realized that now i really don't have time for painting...
But years passes when the first one starts to play by himself and where things get synchronized, time to bed, nap in the afternoon, etc... Painting can finally come back! Just need to be patient!
Welcome back and happy painting!


Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
So cute! I remember those days. Enjoy it - they become bigatures pretty fast. My Agent of Chaos is 4 now and we just wrapped up her my little pony themed party! Um, just a tip: NEVER HOST A PARTY FOR A DOZEN SCREAMING 4YR OLD GIRLS!!!! My ears are still ringing from all the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-ing! :bulgy-eyes:


New member
Well, that was a short sweet return!
I ended up doing a lot of traveling for work (just what is needed with a newborn!), so very little time for painting. It looks like things are settling down for a while now (although i have a quick trip to Barcelona this week) and I'm hoping to get some painting done.

Fingers crossed.

Oh and I have the Gold Smoke Knight from KD to paint. Stunning mini and can't wait to get started with it.


New member
And yet another week gets away from me, although not without a little painting. Just invested in a Vallejo model color set as I've tested a few he equivalents and like them a lot. Always had trouble with a few like snakebite leather. Really liking them and used a few to work on this dude who has been knocking around for a while. Almost done.

Anyway, here's a quick shot:


New member
I have a few projects on the go right now. The ogre is almost done - just needs basing and I have a couple of kastelan robots that I'm butchering to de-40k them but this evening the urge took me to do some nmm, which I'm really bad at but the new vallejo paints were calling me and I think it's looking ok. I'm videoing the process too, which will make horrific viewing but might help me spot where I'm going wrong.

Any thoughts? No glazes as of yet, so needs a hint of yellow adding as well as some smoothing.

Stormcast wip 1 by pariahrob, on Flickr

ten ball

New member
I wouldn't add any yellows, looks great as is. In fact it looks like TMM . My NMM always looks cartoon, this very realistic - well done so far :good:
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