Originally posted by MalleusMiniArt
Well I was courious what Robius himself would say about the whole case. I`ve tried to contact him and I succeded. I haven`t received any kind of explanation on strange scores (he only said he does not know anything about it ??? ).
He said something interesting about his models though. According to him the ones posted on CMON are already resign casted. That would explain the mould lines and if the proper resign was used the colour.
Well I`m really curious is it true? If they are really kitbashed from he-man toys could anyone post this toys pics (or at least provide direct links to them)? That would be great. If I don`t find any convincing pics I will personally assume he sculpted the minis himself.
But it still leaves the voting mystery unsolved
P.S. some comments about people from Poland are starting to be extremely offensive. Don`t talk about us all judgeing from just this case. If you need a proof from a miniature world that we`re not like that just look at the feedback polish painting studios have. And please be more careful about your comments in the future.