Originally posted by LavronYor
Geeez, talk about sensitive, I\'m a middle aged, American, short, fat, white guy with a son who is the oldest and two daughters and a wife who is taller than me and I am not in the least offended by Homer Simpson jokes. Thanks Finn for defending my insensitivity, It was meant to be tongue in cheek, and thanks E-arkham for trying to redirect, and to Malleus, I humbly apologize and I really love the vast majority of the things that you put out ( and please, don\'t anyone joke about him putting out.) I am sorry if I offended anyone. Except cheaters, I am not sorry if I offended them, and I hope that they feel bad. Again, I will sick my carma on their dogma.
No problems, I just wasn\'t sure what you meant - the phrasing just seemed odd, but I see it now. Took awhile to sink in through my thick barbarian skull