Reasonable Criticism

Evil Dave

New member
Heh, every topic under the sun has been discussed here, might as well bring back the dead rather than start all over.
I\'m actually quite surprised we have no NMM, and \"I hate Games Workshop\" threads going.


New member
Originally posted by Evil Dave
Heh, every topic under the sun has been discussed here, might as well bring back the dead rather than start all over.
I\'m actually quite surprised we have no NMM, and \"I hate Games Workshop\" threads going.

ugh.. cant believe i just spen half and hour reading a Ressurected
tread... (Interresting read, though)

Btw: My assumption of \'non-constructive critism\' is stuff that doesn\'t give a reason for waht they point out like:

\"That crap\"
\"good job\"
\"Holy :eek:\"

And such like...
Yes, it might even be unconstructive if its good critique.

Anyway, to use an much over used sentence:

Thats my 2 cents


New member
Oh, I have nothing against reviving old threads. I merely note for the record that Markus Tay has been practicing necromancy, and as he is clearly a witch there is a good chance we might have to burn him.

Carry on.


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
That first yeti pic reminds me of a ghost I worked on back in the days of enamels. Work on it for hours, layering and drybrushing subtle effects. After I finished, my buddy looked over at it and asked when I was going to start painting it. Sat back and gave it a look myself and realized I had painted it to look like shiny lead.
Still have it. No you may not see it.


New member
Originally posted by airhead
That first yeti pic reminds me of a ghost I worked on back in the days of enamels. Work on it for hours, layering and drybrushing subtle effects. After I finished, my buddy looked over at it and asked when I was going to start painting it. Sat back and gave it a look myself and realized I had painted it to look like shiny lead.
Still have it. No you may not see it.
lol, I had the same experience with a Space Wolf mini.... hours and hours to return to \"sprue gray.\"


New member
I remember a while back someone got pissed because he had painted a silver dragon, and everyone left comments to the effect that he should of painted it before posting. I found a different one here, which is much better painted then the one I remember, but it does illustrate the problem.


Super Moderator
Originally posted by MarkusTay
I was looking at minis today and came across


I was going to leave the comment \"Is that painted?\", but then I though it might be too harsh. What do you think? ???
Personally I think the comment below the picture answers your question Markus.
It reads \"Fun to Paint\".
And in reality for the painter a figure should provide pleasure, either in the painting or the completion.
As long as the painter is happy with his/her efforts then it\'s fine, I don\'t have a problem with it. :)

In general terms what I\'ve found is that the commentary on most minis falls into one of a few categories:
  1. Your work is wonderful/awsome/you are a god(dess) I want to have your babies.
  2. Constructive...This could do with XYZ doing to it to help the minis rating.
  3. Lightweight humour.
  4. Downright Bitching.

When Moderating comments I must admit to seeing far more of item 1 than item 4.
But nowhere near enough of item 2. The most common people who comment constructively are recognisable Forum members (Freaks even). Which is why there are a number of attention directing threads in the Discuss Submissions forum.
Ok I know some people might find those threads a bit tiresome, but please rember that this site is aimed at mini painting in all it\'s levels and has gained a reputation of being the best around.
People are comeing here on recommendation for constructive criticism and to learn to improve their hobby aspect.

However there are still a lot of harsh critics out there who do not frequent the forums.
Most, but not all, of these critics are people who have not graced us with the ability to respond in kind to their own work. In an ideal world it would be great to see by what criteria they are matching their criticisms of peoples painting skills. But I think that is not going to happen.)


New member
One thing that does strike me about some of these pictures, I remember the time my dad painted one back when I was in high school. He used about 6 colors, and did nothing whatsoever for shading and highlighting. His missed all the key points. It would probably get a 3 or a 4 here, and a few sarcastic comments. Still, he enjoyed painting it; it was his one try at somethign he saw me doing. He was happy with it and enjoyed the experience. I\'d say the mini was a success.

I\'d say the same thing about my friend Antoinette\'s kids. I tried showing them some techniques. They didn\'t care. They slopped paint on the minis without rhyme or reason and had a ball doing it. Those minis would not get much of a rating here, but they are successes. The kids enjoyed doing them and that is the end of that.

...with some of the more bizarre paint jobs, the ones that seem to fail miserably, I can\'t help but wonder if the story behind them isn\'t sometimes a completely different goal than those commonly brought to the board. Maybe some of those paint jobs were never meant to accomplish some of the things that are commonly assumed to be the goal here on the forum.

Could somebody have intended a mini to show only traces of paint on an overall bare lead? That\'s what the first pic of the Yet reminded me of. It looked like maybe someone\'s idea of a paint job wasn\'t the one commonly pursued here. At some point, I think questions about intent might be more appropriate than direct criticisms. Just a thought that occures tio me from time to time.
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