Originally posted by MarkusTay
I was looking at minis today and came across
I was going to leave the comment \"Is that painted?\", but then I though it might be too harsh. What do you think? ???
Personally I think the comment below the picture answers your question Markus.
It reads \"Fun to Paint\".
And in reality for the painter a figure should provide pleasure, either in the painting or the completion.
As long as the painter is happy with his/her efforts then it\'s fine, I don\'t have a problem with it.
In general terms what I\'ve found is that the commentary on most minis falls into one of a few categories:
- Your work is wonderful/awsome/you are a god(dess) I want to have your babies.
- Constructive...This could do with XYZ doing to it to help the minis rating.
- Lightweight humour.
- Downright Bitching.
When Moderating comments I must admit to seeing far more of item 1 than item 4.
But nowhere near enough of item 2. The most common people who comment constructively are recognisable Forum members (Freaks even). Which is why there are a number of attention directing threads in the Discuss Submissions forum.
Ok I know some people might find those threads a bit tiresome, but please rember that this site is aimed at mini painting in all it\'s levels and has gained a reputation of being the best around.
People are comeing here on recommendation for constructive criticism and to learn to improve their hobby aspect.
However there are still a lot of harsh critics out there who do not frequent the forums.
Most, but not all, of these critics are people who have not graced us with the ability to respond in kind to their own work. In an ideal world it would be great to see by what criteria they are matching their criticisms of peoples painting skills. But I think that is not going to happen.)