Thanks guys. I did a little freehand in the end. Wish I could show you the finished mini. Looks great. I'll post once I'm allowed after the contest.
Time to move on. I'm still holding off on Al Vianna. Going for something big this time. A stegadon! Pretty nice kit, although I had to spend quite some time with the greenstuff filling the gaps. No big ones but it's in lots of parts!
I'm going to paint this in pieces. Partly for ease and partly as I am thinking about ideas for a diorama. Kind of mardigras, welcome the return of the warriors festival type thing. Or maybe I'll just make a scenic base (I have one for this for a change!)
Crew will be turquoise, with cream bellies, the beast will be a darker teal, still with creamy belly, while the howdah will be antiqued gold with lots of gems on it. I want to make it look really old, so am going to use the technique I did on the flower knight and on broga's shield. I don't think it will photograph well, so I may have to post a short video.
If it works out ok!