Stealth Freak
You're on!I don't vote a a lot obviously. only 3110. First to 4000 Pegazus?
You're on!I don't vote a a lot obviously. only 3110. First to 4000 Pegazus?
Nice to see the vote counter making a reappearance, mines currently on 4288 which doesn't seem all that bad compared to whats been stated on here... but it is still such a small percentage of the total....doh calculater says just over 2.5%. Oh the shame.Note MUST VOTE MORE.
On a side note, I'm not sure quite what the benefit of the "New and Notable" section on the front page is. Sees to me to be more publicity for the figures that are going to end up in the "Top last 7 days" list anyway. Wouldn't the space be better utilised to promote something that isn't already getting enough attention?
I've looked into this, and the biggest thing I've seen is that the votes are about 2% to 5% of the total views. So, if you've got 500 views, you can expect to have about 25 votes. Not sure why that happens, but there it is. The models with 8s and above get more views, and get more votes.Hmmm..funny. Two of my resent minis have also got 39 votes and then nothing.
I believe it is random, with a bias towards newer submissions.How are the images you view when you press "New Posts" selected?
When I click on it I get models which have 80-ish votes, but I know there are submissions with 11 votes for example which I haven't voted on.
Hmm. If youre getting mostly old stuff, you may have a filter on, but I didn't see how to turn that on. Something like showing only models of a score of 8 or above for example. That would be possible by just browsing the gallery rather than going thru the "new minis" button on the home page. Other thing would be to ensure that you are logged on. It logs me out every so often but not sure that would do it either.Maybe it should be further biased?
Or maybe really old models should be excluded? I'm getting stuff from years ago coming up.
Er, no. Those dates are very unlikely to come up for me. Just hit the voting link, and the 10 minis were all from today and yesterday. I'm, of course, assuming you've not voted on all 165k minis in the database. Which of course, I can check on anyway from your profile, and at 505, you're not that far into the list.Doesn't seem like new pics really :/ Maybe as the database has become larger the bias is becoming less effective at selecting the new pics from the larger number of total pics in the database? Just a theory!
This is Pegazus again. LEGAL NOTICE: He's been bugging me for a while, and so I've set this account for my son (and will be monitoring it, his posts, emails, etc) to post his mini pictures and vote on other minis himself. And of course his sister wants the same, but we'll see if I can dissuade her a bit longer. /LEGAL NOTICEMakes me wonder if you're not the only one this is happening to..