frzntoz's painting adventure log


New member
A hobby vacation means I should have lots to show off, but rather I ended up spending the week in the thralls of assembly a new Blood Bowl team. I've notoriously slow and methodical on this front. And I still haven't quite finish Gurzag as he took a back seat until the Blood Bowl team is finished. As I was indecisive on which team to take, I also started assembling a chaos chosen team from the new figures with some conversions, but quickly realized that I want to do a bunch more conversion work on them to fully make them *my* team and I don't have enough time to do that.

I want to take a new team to the biggest tournament in our area, and there is nothing like an event to drive progress. I'm hoping to have a new team done in time for June 9-10. Eek. Already feeling like I'm way behind. I'm going to take an Elf Union team. There are some conversion to shake things up (some worked great, some less so). Here's a couple of photos of progress so far.

The throwers:

The catchers.

The lineman.

The blitzers. The standard posed one has been replaced as I wasn't happy with the assembly (one of the first ones I did, and these elves are a bit finicky).

And the bases partially painted.


Ok so I’m following this until completion 1) to keep them in your thoughts to see em till completion!!! And two I hate painting but liooove elves in blood bowl!!! Your cleverness and pro grade talent/ skill set will make these cause salivation!!!!!!!


New member
I can only echo my excitement for this project. I haven't seen a lot of Elves painted for Blood Bowl and I bet these are going to look excellent! I will be watching with interest :)


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Thanks for the comments, all your support helps get through the grinding parts of the process. This is an challenging project as I have to balance quality of the paint job with the speed as I need to get it done soon. This is why I struggle immensely with army painting as I always want to paint things as well as I can, probably too a fault. But I have a plan and I think I can reach a point where I'm happy enough. With my next project I can go back to pushing my painting skill. I also get to attend a weekend long Sergio Calvo class this upcoming weekend, and I'm super stoked about that. It is going to be a long few weeks as I push to make the deadline for June 9-10th. :)

Here is where things are headed for the elves: I've got them all assembled, primed, and the gold colour sprayed and sealed (I love use Alcald II for this kind of thing, but painting lacquer is such a pain). Next is to get on with the rest of the painting. I was tempted to mask and spray the primary cloth colour, but now I'm feeling that will be a time sink that doesn't really help enough to validate the effort.

I also needed to convert up a version of Eldril Sidewinder for the event as the new GW version won't be available in time. He's almost done - just some final cleanup and couple of small rivets to add. I've melded pieces from the harlequin, elf union, and dark eldar wyches boxes along with a small bit of sculpting. He's a bit off scale with the rest of the team, but jumping off the raised stone will make him stand taller than everyone else. I think I've given him enough details to tie in with the team. I've probably spent too much time working on him, but I'm happy overall with what I've done even with his collared shirt - like anyone could tell an elf what they should and shouldn't wear on the pitch.



New member
Thanks for the comments, all your support helps get through the grinding parts of the process. This is an challenging project as I have to balance quality of the paint job with the speed as I need to get it done soon. This is why I struggle immensely with army painting as I always want to paint things as well as I can, probably too a fault.
Always thinking this. Do not know how to manage it well. I suppose the best is have a balance of 50:50 but I cannot do it, unless I think the model has a goal, for example painting x colour, or improving texture, or NMM, etc...

I also needed to convert up a version of Eldril Sidewinder for the event as the new GW version won't be available in time.
Well I had to look twice to notice the conversion bits so I suppose that you are following the right path... xD

I also get to attend a weekend long Sergio Calvo class this upcoming weekend, and I'm super stoked about that.
I did the Toronto weekend with Sergio. Prepare to be amazed!
Really happy for you both, lots of envy! He is from Spain but he has never been doing a course in my city, I'm actually following his patreon and I am still intrigued with that "capibases" method!


New member
Really happy for you both, lots of envy! He is from Spain but he has never been doing a course in my city, I'm actually following his patreon and I am still intrigued with that "capibases" method!

It fits my style of painting, but needs an airbrush to tie it all together. Keep following his Patreon and try to take a course of his. He's a super nice guy.


New member
@Captain: My barbarian is very much a learning piece, so it is far from done and full of all kinds of mistakes I'm almost embarrassed to show. Sergio's approach certainly challenged how I normally do things, but he also brought a fresh perspective to the painting workflow. It was a bit of a fight painting with thicker paint, but this helped reinforce that I need to better study where I put my highlights. And always add more contrast, especially when using his full method. I was suffering a full-on sinus migraine Sunday, so I didn't do any of the airbrushing. I really enjoyed the weekend, and he's a great guy - I'd take another class with him in heartbeat. I'm going to do another copy of the figure to completion, but that will have to wait until I finish a few more pressing projects. I'll certainly put some of what I learned to practice in the next couple of weeks as I push to finish my elf team.



New member
NMM on blades looks super shiny, and skin does not have that "armour" feel that Sergio always says, also it has quite a lot of colour hues for a first approach to his colourful technique... thumbs up! ;)
I need to try his method, but being almost opposite to what I usually do, and having the AB on the middle is quite scary. Must try it sooner or later though.


New member
Thanks, BAM and Maenas. Captain, yours looks great - good job!

@Maenas: His method is very different from my workflow as well. The airbrush part is intimidating, but it works. I'm a bit nervous to try it on smaller figures though as I'm worried overspray might be more of an issue, but then maybe not if done carefully. I foresee some experimenting soon...


New member
I must admit that I'm not always the biggest fan of batch painting, but sometimes the grind just needs to be done. Life has been busy so workbench time has been at a premium. Working on 11 players at once makes progress feel slow, but at the same time they are getting all further along. I'm finding the key for myself is to pick something to do that isn't too big so that I don't spend too much time on any one figure.

The push to get the elves done for next weekend's tournament has been challenging and I've certainly had to rein in my expectations for how finished the team will be. The goal now is to have them fully base coated (neatly), sealed, and mounted to their bases so that they're playable for the weekend. I was able to spend good portions of the weekend getting the first shadow and/or mid tone colour blocked in. I've also been able to mostly pin down the final colour scheme. Still so much more to go - it will be a long week. I will worry about finishing them further after. I love deadlines for helping push projects along, but I also hate deadlines for the time constraint and stress.

The blitzer shows most of the final paint scheme though in these photos his hair, loin cloth, and shoes aren't quite finished being blocked in. Once again, as I've started to take the paint brush to the minis I'm finding the character of the figures is starting to come out, and I'm realized that I actually really like the sculpts. I'm excited to get them finished - just overwhelmed a bit about getting them ready *enough* for the weekend.



New member
i know what you mean about batch painting. I cant stand it personally. thats why I started playing malifaux. cant stomach painting full armies.

but I digress the elf did is looking really cool. very sharp colour scheme.
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