I must admit that I'm not always the biggest fan of batch painting, but sometimes the grind just needs to be done. Life has been busy so workbench time has been at a premium. Working on 11 players at once makes progress feel slow, but at the same time they are getting all further along. I'm finding the key for myself is to pick something to do that isn't too big so that I don't spend too much time on any one figure.
The push to get the elves done for next weekend's tournament has been challenging and I've certainly had to rein in my expectations for how finished the team will be. The goal now is to have them fully base coated (neatly), sealed, and mounted to their bases so that they're playable for the weekend. I was able to spend good portions of the weekend getting the first shadow and/or mid tone colour blocked in. I've also been able to mostly pin down the final colour scheme. Still so much more to go - it will be a long week. I will worry about finishing them further after. I love deadlines for helping push projects along, but I also hate deadlines for the time constraint and stress.
The blitzer shows most of the final paint scheme though in these photos his hair, loin cloth, and shoes aren't quite finished being blocked in. Once again, as I've started to take the paint brush to the minis I'm finding the character of the figures is starting to come out, and I'm realized that I actually really like the sculpts. I'm excited to get them finished - just overwhelmed a bit about getting them ready *enough* for the weekend.