Frequently Asked Question


New member
I haven't read her card, but if it says any deployment phase, could that be the opponents too?

While the wording could be construed to allow it to be done on an opponents turn, that doesn't feel in sync with other units that have deployment phase abilities like Uncle Rivet or the Treasure Hunter. That said, I think the reason its "any" is to indicate that she can do it on the turn she's deployed. That doesn't feel offensive to me because you lose the units until the next deployment anyway, making her wait till 2nd deployment phase means points spent have no bearing on the game for 3 turns, that's a long time, particularly in a 10pt game. So I'd play it, only on Allied Deployment Phase, but able to be done on the turn she hits the table.


New member
Okay Fellas question about Edwina Brasseldun and her Special Rule; Tunneler

The rule starts out with

At any deployment phase this unit and all in it's grid may tunnel underground. Remove those Units from play....

Does This mean she can tunnel on the turn she is deployed since the rule does not mention anything like "At the start of the Deployment Phase..."
Or is she deployed turn 1, tunnels turn 2, pops out on turn 3.

On second thoughts, maybe she can be deployed at the start of the deployment turn, and then removed along with any others on her grid.


New member
Doubt it, as the rules state 'and all in its grid' and the grid is on the table. And no, you can't activate models in your opponent's phase.

I'm not sure why "..and all in its grid" would matter.
Since it doesn't say "At the start of the deployment phase" the argument could be made that a player could slap down Edwina, add a Rifleman to the same grid and then declare they are drilling.


New member
Also do we have any kind of official ruling on the Allied Dogs?

Does converting a Dog into a Blue Shield count as the dog being "Killed" and thus allow a new Dog to be generated OR do we have to wait for the Blue shield to be removed via damage before we can count the dog as "killed"?


New member
Wish we could get Ted to do an AMA and get all these questions answered. Plus pick his brain about the design process and what's coming in the future.


New member
Also do we have any kind of official ruling on the Allied Dogs?

Does converting a Dog into a Blue Shield count as the dog being "Killed" and thus allow a new Dog to be generated OR do we have to wait for the Blue shield to be removed via damage before we can count the dog as "killed"?
I believe it says the "unit" is removed. I would count that as killed. Therefor you could spend some time fortifying heroes before sending them up. It'll take a few rounds though... not exactly OP.


New member
Also do we have any kind of official ruling on the Allied Dogs?

Does converting a Dog into a Blue Shield count as the dog being "Killed" and thus allow a new Dog to be generated OR do we have to wait for the Blue shield to be removed via damage before we can count the dog as "killed"?

My guess on this would be that removal from the table is equivalent to killed.


New member
I'm not sure why "..and all in its grid" would matter.
Since it doesn't say "At the start of the deployment phase" the argument could be made that a player could slap down Edwina, add a Rifleman to the same grid and then declare they are drilling.

That's why I changed my mind the post before your ost :)
just a quick one for Ted/anbody in expectation of my blitzkrieg/wave 2/versus boxes arriving; if I put a buffing plug in a M2 2 square vehicle (boss/landkrieger etc) does the buff apply to the vehicle only, or everything in the grid as I expect? And this may have been answered elsewhere but if that vehicle now has a movement buff from the plug (in the same way as say having Parman in the grid) do all the units from both the grid that the vehicle (or Parman) moves from, anf finishes in benefit from the buff?


New member
just a quick one for Ted/anbody in expectation of my blitzkrieg/wave 2/versus boxes arriving; if I put a buffing plug in a M2 2 square vehicle (boss/landkrieger etc) does the buff apply to the vehicle only, or everything in the grid as I expect? And this may have been answered elsewhere but if that vehicle now has a movement buff from the plug (in the same way as say having Parman in the grid) do all the units from both the grid that the vehicle (or Parman) moves from, anf finishes in benefit from the buff?

if it uses the word "buff" then it is the entire grid. if it does not, it is only applied to the vehicle.
Thanks for previous help guys but I've got another question for whoever can answer it, as it's regularly a point of contention during our games.
In regards to both secret missions and actions cards, does only the 'type' of the unit matter, with the fact that it's a hero unit not being relavent? Example: 8 infantry in no mans land, if I have seven infantry there, and let's say konig with them, does he count as the eighth?
This issue mainly gets discussed for actions like tunnel rat and death from above.
Also the 'additional deployment of 'x' type unit this turn' action card. Are you guys allowing that as a part payment towards a hero's (of that type's) deployment cost. I imagine this will become more of an issue with wave two, what with all the extra vehicles being deployed each time along with the occasional heroes both as plugs and single units


New member
Thanks for previous help guys but I've got another question for whoever can answer it, as it's regularly a point of contention during our games.
In regards to both secret missions and actions cards, does only the 'type' of the unit matter, with the fact that it's a hero unit not being relavent? Example: 8 infantry in no mans land, if I have seven infantry there, and let's say konig with them, does he count as the eighth?
This issue mainly gets discussed for actions like tunnel rat and death from above.
Also the 'additional deployment of 'x' type unit this turn' action card. Are you guys allowing that as a part payment towards a hero's (of that type's) deployment cost. I imagine this will become more of an issue with wave two, what with all the extra vehicles being deployed each time along with the occasional heroes both as plugs and single units

We play where only the type of unit matters. The main example is that I don't think the M2 Wolverine would ever get deployed in our games unless it was with a tunnel rat or death from above card. I'm pretty sure I've read that other players feel that way about the Wolverine.


New member
Wish we could get Ted to do an AMA and get all these questions answered. Plus pick his brain about the design process and what's coming in the future.

That sounds like a perfect idea. Have a community moderator start a thread and have everyone post all their questions. Then the moderator can consolidate them all into the first post, after maybe two weeks or so of collecting questions. Ted can respond and most of the questions will be answered and we can stop guessing on some of these issues.

Ted Terranova

New member
An AMA sounds like a great idea. It can be difficult to get to each question on all the boards and some of them I can't answer but in most cases there is a member of the community who steps up and provides the information. I don't use Reddit but I'm up for trying anything or doing it here. Great ideas everyone.


New member
An AMA sounds like a great idea. It can be difficult to get to each question on all the boards and some of them I can't answer but in most cases there is a member of the community who steps up and provides the information. I don't use Reddit but I'm up for trying anything or doing it here. Great ideas everyone.

I've never done one either but I'm going to look into it and maybe we can set up a time that works for you and give it a go. I think it would be fun and helpful.

Javi Metal

New member

There's something about actvation on MOVEMENT phase that keeps people debating about in my area but can't see answered anywhere...

Let's say You have an infantry model(a) in GRID A. Then in front of GRID A there is GRID B with an infantry model (b) in it too.

Rules say that (at least it's how thwy translated it in my country) once you issue movement orders over a grid, every model in it is activated an can move.

Ok, now the situation; I issue movement orders to GRID A and infantry (a) move to the grid in fron of him (B). Then I issue movement orders to grid B (as there is people inside that hasn't been activated yet) so infantrymen (a) and (b) can move. That made infantry (a) move twice a turn.

I feel ok about that cause the whole game have a videogame-ish feel to it and it's not a gamebreaking combo as both players can do so, but wanted to know if it's the "official way" to play it as rules state that "all the models in the grid get ativaded" with no concerns about someone not being able to move or attac twice if activated (Rapid attack units could combo like that too).

thanks in advance, Cheers!

BTW, congrats Ted, the game is awesome... I'm trying to promote it hard where I live so we can see the expansions translated.


New member
Hi Javi, an interesting interpretation!

Unit's can't be activated twice, even if it is in a grid with units that have not yet been activated.

Think about it for a second: you wouldn't need to have any units in Grid B to activate Grid B; you could move anywhere on the board!

eg: Infantry(a) in Grid(A); activate(grid(A)); Infantry(a) moves to grid(B).
activate(grid(B)); Infantry(a) moves grid(C).

In the English Rules from the Rivet Wars Web Site - The 2nd sentence under "Combat Phase" p16 reads: " Each unit can only be activated once per Combat Phase."

Interestingly, the "Movement Phase" doesn't clarify this! Only that each unit is activated; however I think you can see why it should be!

Javi Metal

New member
Movement Rules clarification.

Hi Javi, an interesting interpretation!

Unit's can't be activated twice, even if it is in a grid with units that have not yet been activated.

Think about it for a second: you wouldn't need to have any units in Grid B to activate Grid B; you could move anywhere on the board!

eg: Infantry(a) in Grid(A); activate(grid(A)); Infantry(a) moves to grid(B).
activate(grid(B)); Infantry(a) moves grid(C).

In the English Rules from the Rivet Wars Web Site - The 2nd sentence under "Combat Phase" p16 reads: " Each unit can only be activated once per Combat Phase."

Interestingly, the "Movement Phase" doesn't clarify this! Only that each unit is activated; however I think you can see why it should be!

Hey, Thanks! :)

Somehow it makes sense to me in a videogame-ish sense. Much like infantry in the same grid as Parman gaining Rapid assault (3) wich is far beyond infantry's movement(1). Do they grow robohorses out of theit butts for just one turn ? :p

As the game looks designed to be played like a videogame, fast and furious (plugs appearing out of nowhere and such) I see the movement combo fitting as long as you could only activate grids that have units on it that have not been activated yet.

It would feel like a waste to have grids with only one infantry unit to efectively build a deployment chain; it meaning to have 1/3 of your infantry just sitting there to allow other infantry (6 guys left to capture stuff and gain VPs) move thru the chain. Bottom line, it would "cost" you 6 infantry to have 3 of them moving to no man's land in one turn and 3 chain guys just sitting there without scoring and being too far away to shoot to anyone. Doesn't sound gamebreaking).

Also the game doesn't provide means to have units that have been already activated tracked. I guess you could use those damage chips but sounds more fiddly to do all those bookeeping than just remember wich grids have been activated.

Dunno... I'd like to see any official word about this as the rules doesn't clarify this. BTW knowing not many of you do movement like we do I'd love to hear from anyone trying it out and sharing his/her experience about it to see if you feel it feels better or worse than how you normally move.

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