Thanks Flu. It's a pleasure to have you looking at my stuff
Quiarcus, it's definitely the large surface area. I have a few plastic shot glasses I've used to mix the water effects with paint and they ended up with the stuff far deeper in them and haven't cracked, so it must just be because the water effects are able to pull apart on a wide surface as they contract.
I took the plunge and bought some two part clear resin to finish the water. I have a test Tupperware lid of the stuff drying at the minute and it looks like it'll do the trick.
Got a fair amount done on the lovely Gordrakk over the last few days. The bulk of him is actually done.
I'm keeping the inked texture on the yellow armour. It's lazy and I've drybrushed up to a bright yellow on top but I think it suits the dented armour style. Without going mental blending individual dents on the armour like Sproket I don't think I could make it look better and more natural than this. It'll get some highlights on the edges soon.
Trousers are done aside from the stitching. Went with a turquoisy blue to contrast the yellow armour and to test out a paint mix I'd made to paint some rusted copper armour another time.
Most of the skin here will be under armour plates, which is why I've kept it dark. Had a bit of a play with colour tones by getting some reds in there. I'll continue to tweak and neaten up the blends on the arms as I go.
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Essay over...