Foxtail's Ongoing Painting Journey


New member
Good lord thats some amazingly epic work. How do you even get such a crisp skull on the flag like that.


Cat-herder Extraordinaire
Looking good, man. I'm looking forward to seeing those puddles and pools.


New member
Cheers guys. Digga, I just used a small brush to paint the outline. If you work from the inside out, you can make the edges fairly crisp while the inside of the outline is as messy as you like.

In other news, my life is a world of frustrating water effects.

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Why do you crack water effects!?


New member
Which water effects are you using?

If it's acrylic (which I think it is) it looks like it's being poured too deep.


New member
It is acrylic. Instructions on the back of the bottle say not to pour deeper than 3mm, which I don't think this was. These sort of cracks will fill in alright with the next layer, which I'll make sure is super thin.


New member
The dragon is coming along nicely, and I like how the base is going. The yellow banner looks really good. Sorry the water effects are still causing you trouble, hopefully this one works out. I use EasyCast for my water and the only problems I had with it were 100% my fault, like adding too much coloring or removing the plastic barriers before it was fully set.


New member
Yeah, the acrylic stuff has to be poured super thin over large areas in my experience - which is okay as it set reasonably quickly.

Anyway, that base looks amazing painted: it's going to be a fantastic centre piece for the client's army.


New member
Thanks Flu. It's a pleasure to have you looking at my stuff ;)

Quiarcus, it's definitely the large surface area. I have a few plastic shot glasses I've used to mix the water effects with paint and they ended up with the stuff far deeper in them and haven't cracked, so it must just be because the water effects are able to pull apart on a wide surface as they contract.

I took the plunge and bought some two part clear resin to finish the water. I have a test Tupperware lid of the stuff drying at the minute and it looks like it'll do the trick.

Got a fair amount done on the lovely Gordrakk over the last few days. The bulk of him is actually done.
I'm keeping the inked texture on the yellow armour. It's lazy and I've drybrushed up to a bright yellow on top but I think it suits the dented armour style. Without going mental blending individual dents on the armour like Sproket I don't think I could make it look better and more natural than this. It'll get some highlights on the edges soon.

Trousers are done aside from the stitching. Went with a turquoisy blue to contrast the yellow armour and to test out a paint mix I'd made to paint some rusted copper armour another time.

Most of the skin here will be under armour plates, which is why I've kept it dark. Had a bit of a play with colour tones by getting some reds in there. I'll continue to tweak and neaten up the blends on the arms as I go.

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Essay over...


New member
It is a bummer to see that you're having trouble with the base again. I can only imagine how frustrating that is. Those little details with the skulls and your rock work really do look incredible Fox! I'm truly envious of your basing skills and I hope you're able to get the water situation sorted out!


nice smooth blending of those greens, if i might make a suggestion re the base and a possible save, why not paint the water effect a nice matt mud colour then it would look exactly like a dried up pond /lake etc might save a bit of hassel.


New member
Going on hiatus!

Right folks!

Gallery links:

I got sick and tired of mucking about with water effects so I bought some 2 part clear resin. Works loads better, aside from a little bit of overspill (visible on the base where the wooden bloody poles and skulls are.

I'm moving home soon, so this is going to be the last thing I paint for a little while until I get my feet back on the ground. I'll still be around here commenting, but there won't be anything being worked on by me for at least a few months.
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Cat-herder Extraordinaire
Hummanna hummanna! Looks good!

I'll be rooting for you to get your painting desk back up again asap.


New member
You know what it feels like to get the wind knocked out of you. I kinda feel like that. This work is so dam amazing I had to remind myself to breath again. Bravo good sir. Bravo.
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