90mm Chaos Warrior


New member
Especially if you re-post someone else's sentence because it is so damn weird when read out of context: "I had to really sand my horse when I was working on the eyeball. "

Say that to someone in a bar and watch the free space and grave silence radiate outwards. ^^

That's when you laugh, order another drink and act like it's a big joke. It drives them nuts wondering what the hell is going on. ;)

Know what? It's time for me to hit the sack now, my mind is drifting...



New member
I don't get to read the freakbar too much. I have a hard enough time keeping up with y'all without even more to read. So consider it landing in Houston right about now (as in it's over my head and landing in Houston). lol!


New member
First of all....there is nothing wrong with the word Y'all, even if you leave the doohicky out of it like so: yall...or Yall....or Yall!...or YALL!!!! :):) Simply because some of us are too lazy to hit that one extra button on that long flat box thang with all them there buttons 'n switches......
Here is the newly revised cloak. Hopefully it gets some approval because it was much more of pain than I thought it would be, or than it should have been. Obviously, there is still some minor work needed before I can call it done but I think it is a vast improvement to what I had before. The only problem now, as I figured out later than sooner...is that in order to get the cloak on and off, I have to leave one of the helmet "horns" off which could prove to make painting this a wee bit more time consuming... I don't know, we'll just have to see. Please tell me what you think, I may decide to leave it as is unless someone points out something completely "duh" that I have missed or need to add, but your opiinion are always valued and at least will help "next time"

I haz pikters:






New member
Thanks Trys. I'm feelin a little better about it already. Yes, most definately still adding the fur, if I ever figure out how to go about it. That's why the top of the folds are not the prettiest.


New member
Cool armor! Your changes look great. Yes, since you're going to add the fur, you don't need to pull those folds up over the shoulders. I think that's what's throwing me off is that the folds start low. So once you get the fur on there it should look really great.

I don't know if this will help, but for fur in the past, I've done "noodles" and placed them where I wanted them. I then took a small tool and started to sculpt the fur, flattening and widening the noodle as I went, which also secured it to the foundation I was working on. I placed all of the noodles along side each other first so I could also work them together easier. I hope that makes sense.


New member
Thanks Kath!
Hmm....sculpting fur out of noodles. Velly Inteleseting........ Any particular type? Spaghetti? The little shells you can get for Mac and cheese? Should they be whole grain? I kid! I kid! I kid!
I understand what you mean. I'm just not sure how to go about the actual sculpting part... I've tried a couple of "practice" attempts but it cam out looking like I had just drawn grooves into the putty. I haven't tried any sort pulling though.....Now that I think about it, that may be my problem.....Off to do another test!


New member
hehe...whatever you do, don't use ramen noodles, those things are a pain!

I have tool similar to the one pictured here. It's basically an angled hook and on the other end it has a small bead. I use the hook to push/pull up the clay and the bead to smooth and blend. You could probably make one out of a paperclip or pin. I've also used the edge of a regular spatula sculpting tool to make fur but I have to be careful otherwise I make it too even and uniform.

Post pics if you get the chance.
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New member
Oohh! Thanks for that Kath, I knew about the fig, but had forgotten that it had such a nice cloak.

So after several practice attempts and lots of thinking, I think I've got something that I can be happy with. I decided to do the fur with green stuff because it has a better ability to "stretch" and get pushed around. Magic sculpt starts to crumble at the slightest bit of stretching. I really am happy with the way it looks. Hopefully nobody will look at it and laugh or barf or scream bloody murder lol! No pics at the moment though:( The first layer is curing but I should have the rest done later this afternoon. What would be really cool is if the mail man brings my primer today too!!! Soooo close to the end I can taste it! Or maybe I just licked my fingers by accident.....


New member
Ok here it is. Like I said, I'm quite happy with it and think it will look retty good under some paint. I've never painted/primed onto green stuff before but I'm guessing there are no issues to worry about?
Not much else to say, I'm considering "bulking up" the upper half of the fur just to make look a little thicker....if I have enough GS left.( I was already almost out) Oherwise, sculpt finished I say!
Sadly though, it looks like my primer didn't show up today, so no starting the paint just yet....../sigh :( It may be next weekend before I can get back to it....

Here da pics:



As always, comments and crits welcomed. Enjoy!
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