Time to get back on topic.....
You know its bad when......
...you spend so long trying to get minis done for a tournament you completely forget the rules.
...you consider buying stock in Jolt Cola since you know the stock must be going up.
...you regularly visit pet stores, and you don\'t have a pet (aquarium stuff makes good scenery and basing material).
...Christmas morning is like being at the hobby shop when the new shipments show up (I like this one).
...you get a red paint job on your vehicle because you know it will make it \"go fasta\".
...you consider starting your own Warrrgh!
...you visit a friends and offer to paint all of their unpainted figures (including model kits, badly painted action figures, those pewter figs with chrystals).
...your painting room is the nicest, biggest one in the house.
...you get a small buisness licence thinking that you will now be able to buy mini\'s wholesale.
Okay enough for now.