Public - GW Bashing


New member
I know this is old news, but it\'s not very often you get to see GW get a more public bruising.


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Sorry, but Mr. Vu sounds like an idiot. He wanted to make a 40k film, but did not get rights, licencing and permission before he started? ???


New member
Originally posted by airhead
Sorry, but Mr. Vu sounds like an idiot. He wanted to make a 40k film, but did not get rights, licencing and permission before he started? ???

Didn\'t Realise you needed permission to make a fan film..........otherwise there\'s plenty of illegal fan films

Sand Rat

New member
Started as a fan film Kev - then they actually asked GW for permission, got a limited go ahead, then GW found a little bit of a German copyright law that said even if I use your material to make something, I own part of the copyright because I put my spin on it - at which point GW balked because they would \"Loose Control\" of the 40K universe -

Course who the hell makes a $20,000 110 minute long fan film?


It\'s not really a bashing is it? The problem isn\'t with GW it\'s with the German copyright laws:

German copyright law lies at the heart of the dispute between Games Workshop and the Damnatus creators.

Andy Jones, legal and licensing head for Games Workshop, said this law confers rights on the creators of works that cannot be given away.

This means that the creators of Damnatus cannot assign their rights to Games Workshop even if they wanted to.

As I understand it these laws give the creators IP rights that should belong to GW. Even though the film makers don\'t want these rights they are unable to turn them over to GW and therein lies the problem.

It\'s unfortunate that as it stands at present there will never be a \"proper\" GW based film as there would be massive problems with the merchandising rights. Just look at what happened to Starwars and LOTR. Spacemarine lunchboxes is the last thing we want. GW would lose too much control over their product if this were to happen as the rights would belong to the film producers rather than them. If they were to stipulate that they would retain control of these rights then no film company would touch the project.

As the article says this isn\'t a case of being killjoys it\'s just an unfortunate situation that can\'t be rectified at present. No amount of fan campaigns will change their position if anything these campaigns should be directed at the German lawmakers as it\'s their fault.

I\'m coming out on GW\'s side on this one. As a company they made the right decision even though I\'m sure that there were plenty of people at GW who wish the situation could be otherwise.


New member
Aye, where the hell are GW getting bashed here?

Mr Vu doesn\'t come across as quite so clever mind you.


New member
Ok bashing was a strong word but I think GW are being a bit over protective.

I\'m sure there are plenty of other German Fan films for bigger companies than GW, and you don\'t see them moaning and crying about it.

There are plenty of stupid laws in this world that would be thrown out in a court if you tried to act on them. I\'m sure UK Taxi drivers dont drive around with bails of straw in their cabs.

I think GW are being awkward for awkwards sake.


New member

maybe GW could buy the whole film off Mr Vue, after all they charge enough for minis and but from the bit I had time to watch here at work.. lol it looks ok.


New member
Originally posted by Talion
Ok bashing was a strong word but I think GW are being a bit over protective...

I think GW are being awkward for awkwards sake.
So in the process of ceasing being \'awkward\' GW should give up legal control of the IP that has essentially made them the company they are, and pass them on to be shared by a dude who makes fan films for way too much money?


New member
I think GW acted properly given my limited knowledge of the situation.

I certainly don\'t think GW bashing is a fun hobby... it provides a lot of people with minis and a lot of people with jobs (apart from teh people who worked in my local store that closed recently).

It\'s all well and good having all these indy companies making great minis for great prices but at the end of the day, it\'s GW who has shops on highstreets and many many people have been introduced to the hobby at large because of walking by one.


New member
Don\'t get me wrong - I fully understand the legal reasons why they\'ve done it.

What I\'m saying it Typical GW to be the stick in the mud and whine for whining sake.

I\'m sure there are plenty of German StarWars fan films, but you dont see George Lucas moaning about IP.

What I don\'t like is GW is the first to nick everyone elses IP, then start crying when there\'s the slightest possibilty somebody might have some thing to do with theres


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
I wonder if Heinland (sp?) ever sued GW for power armor IP? (Starship Troopers).

and 40k would not be the 41st centrury, more like the 401st.

Sand Rat

New member
While there are certainly a number of items of questionable IP that GW uses (cough power armor cough cough Tyranids cough cough Necrons cough cough) they have probably deviated enough from the original that they are safe from lawsuit -

Although I wonder if Harlan \"F**K you James Cameron\" Ellison is aware of the Necrons.


New member
Originally posted by steelcult
While there are certainly a number of items of questionable IP that GW uses (cough power armor cough cough Tyranids cough cough Necrons cough cough) they have probably deviated enough from the original that they are safe from lawsuit -

Exaclty they probably have covered their backs. But when GW start getting all high an mighty about you can\'t steal our ideas, I find it laughable because 80% of their ideas aren\'t thier\'s.

I love thier minis...........but don\'t start preaching about this is our IP we came up with the idea.....when in fact you didn\'t


New member
In my time at GW I don\'t think I ever remember anyone whining for whinings\' sake. Whining involves effort, and the less of that put into your employment the better!

The thing with this as opposed to fan films for other stuff is that GW have been in contact with the maker, which makes them fully aware of the fan film and thus legally accountable for any associated law.

I saw some of the German\'s efforts on this a while back anyway and from what I saw I think it\'s fair to say you aren\'t missing much.

EDIT - and now I just think you are getting silly. Regardless of how many sources they take inspiration from they still have one of the deepest and most creative fantasy and futuristic IPs going.


New member
Originally posted by lono
EDIT - and now I just think you are getting silly. Regardless of how many sources they take inspiration from they still have one of the deepest and most creative fantasy and futuristic IPs going.

I think this is the heart of the matter GW seem to stop any attempt on using any of their stuff even for harmless reasons.

I agree they have got a fantastic fantasy world made up, but to deny they haven\'t blatantly nicked other peoples ideas, and used them for themselves is being a bit naive.


Originally posted by steelcult
Although I wonder if Harlan \"F**K you James Cameron\" Ellison is aware of the Necrons.

He probably is. Someone should tell him, though, just to stir the shit. <g>



New member
Originally posted by Talion
I think this is the heart of the matter GW seem to stop any attempt on using any of their stuff even for harmless reasons.

I agree they have got a fantastic fantasy world made up, but to deny they haven\'t blatantly nicked other peoples ideas, and used them for themselves is being a bit naive.

I\'m not sure exactly what you are getting at.

I\'ve never heard GW make an attempt to deny they get ideas from all over the shop and I\'ve actually heard them confirm it on plenty of occasions.

What relevance that has to them potentially handing over legal control of their IP to the maker of a fan film though, I don\'t know.
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