Thank you all for the sharing your thoughts here! Never expected such interaction, great community.
Alright, so the #1 rule is to have fun and start simple. I'll keep that in mind.
I spent the last few days watching Hot Lead videos which are really good. I now understand a lot of the painting process/terms like glazing/washing and dry brushing. What a dry brush is used for (to create the effect of highlights from a light source) then washing/glazing it to blend it with your base color. I now understand blending using 5 shades of a color to create a gradient light effect. I now think I understand what's the required thickness to paint a basecoat, wash/glaze.. and I understood that's probably a common mistake for started (not knowing how much water to add). I understand priming and which priming color I should go for (depending on what colors/feel I want the miniature to be). I think I like the Non Metallic Metal style of painting more than Dry Brushing. Dry brushing tend to give you that grainy effect. I like the gradual gradient effect while keeping in mind the light source I always wanted to do that. But I will practice everything and start simple in my first miniatures.
It all looks good and I can't wait for my painting set to arrive.
I already have hundreds of miniatures (zillion of board games, Descent, Doom, Mansions of Madness, Space Hulk...). So, I think I will be busy practicing on miniatures that I Can afford to mess up (but still enjoy to paint) like Descent's monsters.
I'm just glad there's a supportive community here I'll come here screaming for help if I need something. I just was wondering how many paint-bottles should I order? since delivering process takes a week or more sometimes I don't want to wait a week then to realize I didn't order that FleshTone paint or that PureBlack paint. If there's a "must have" paint options i'd like to know them. It feels overwhelming going through an online store looking at the hundreds of paint options but have no clue which ones to pick. Also, do I need an additive?
I also think I might need some lenses to enhance my view for the miniatures is there a good online store you can help me with? Somewhere where I can find every tool I might need. I would appreciate it.