Many years ago, I made a living painting minis for other people, ran a business employing two full-time and two part-time painters, in fact. It wasn\'t what I would call a great living, but it paid my bills through college. I never experienced any serious animosity then, but I think it was because I was unfailingly honest about the quality of the work I would produce for a given amount of money, and told people up front what to expect.
I did have a certain Canadian Games Day winner contact me about painting an entire tourney army to GD standards for him. I turned him down, both because the amount of work required was staggering to contemplate, there was no way he would\'ve paid the amount of money it would\'ve cost, and I honestly did not consider myself up to the task of doing an entire army to that standard. Lastly, there was the ethical concern...
I did not mind selling my work, whoring out my brush, if you will. Still don\'t, though I don\'t do it for money these days. I did have an issue with the idea that this bloke was going to make tourney points off of my work though. Seemed vaguely less than up-front. Personally (were I a competent enough player to compete at that level), I would rather know that I won because of the abilities I possessed, not because part of my points were brought about by the strength of my wallet.
I would of course love to return to the halcyon days of college and be able to support myself with a brush and paintpots, but I have a wife and three kids now. It is enough to simply partake in an activity I enjoy for the sole purpose of my enjoyment. Oddly enough, I\'ve found that I enjoy it more when money is not involved.
I personally think the major motivation behind freelancer-hate is jealousy, either of talent or of economic reality. They\'re mad because you\'re better than they are, or because you\'re making money off of it when they\'re not. I\'m currently, neither, and I don\'t mind. One of these years I\'ll get the skills back up to speed.
Oh yeah, first post on CMON, so please forgive any social faux pas.