Mycetic Spore (fastbuild)
The new Tyranid Codex, uninspiring as it might have been, at least inspired me to create a Mycetic Spore for my Classic Tyranids army. I'm short on free time at the moment, so this had to be a quick build. Also, I didn't want to turn this into one of my neverending projects. About 3 hours of total build time, 1 hour of paint time and a couple of nights to wait for things to dry. My spore is created from modelling clay, green stuff and eyes are airsoft pellets. Artificier Marine just to show scale. I'm fairly happy how it turned out, considering the fast build time. I had lots of ideas for very complicated detailing, but I'm probably never going to do those. This is meant for the gaming table, and is fine for that use.
Posted: 11 Mar 2010
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