Gandalf at the Bridge of Khazad Düm w/ OSL
This is a piece I painted up specifically for the Citadel Celebration Lord of the Rings painting competition at the prompting of my local GW Hobby Store manager. It's the first time I've ever gone all out with object source lighting effects, and I'm actually trying to portray two light sources on the figure. The first effect is a bright white light from the crystal on his staff - note: unlike most depictions I've seen (even the Fellowship of the Ring film where I got my inspiration for his pose), I painted the white light as if it's emanating from the crystal and NOT the head of the staff itself. With the projections of wood on his staff beneath the crystal, I feel the white light should actually be blocked moreso in several places unlike what is shown (briefly) in the film and what has been done on OSL-effect Gandalf figures I've seen painted thus far. The second lighting effect is an ambient fire glow from an imaginary Balrog facing Gandalf at a distance, much like in the scene from the movie where Gandalf challenges the beast from the bridge span, raises his staff alight, and shouts "You shall not pass!" All the metal areas on the figure are painted with GW metallic colors and added tints to match the expected lighting. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated!
Posted: 25 Jun 2007