He must have been using something other than Winsor Newton brushes, because they only go down to 000. Though that\'s equivalent in size to what I\'ve seen other brands call 5/0 or 10/0. A good natural hair brush does feel very different than a synthetic. I don\'t know if it\'s because the hair itself soaks it in or what, but the brush holds more paint and keeps it liquid and flowing longer than a synthetic, in addition to the points made about brush control above. I\'ve never seen a synthetic longer than 10 minutes out of the package with a point as fine as a good hair brush, either.
Currently I use the regular 1 and 00 the most, the 1 for larger areas and the 00 for detail stuff or small areas. I use the 000 for lining or super detail stuff. I think my 0 is just a bad brush, I need to try another of that size to see what I think of it. Like Fizl, the miniature line brushes aren\'t really to my taste.