Originally posted by uberdark
if this is what expert painters are supposed to be like i\'d rather not know them. considering the fact most of the ones i know are actually quite nice. and your etiquette is quite rude. honestly.... why dont you get over putting down others and grow up.
Um... no.
\'Sides, you\'ll find that I only put down people I think are being foolish or rude to me. Other than that, I\'m affable and approachable. Since my \'return\' I\'ve had two fanboys try to \'correct\' my work, one person get upset over my slang terminology, and two people try to slam my style because it doesn\'t fit the CMON norm. I\'m not here to win popularity contests. If you want to be a douche to me, I\'ll be sure to treat you appropriately. And for the old timers who do know me, they\'ll be the first to tell you I am funny, knowledgable, and will give my shirt off of my back if I know it will help you out. I just don\'t suffer fools well at all. Plus I don\'t coddle kids.
The point still stands. If you can\'t take a little heat in comments, you won\'t go far as a mini-painter. We can be a callous bunch.
Here\'s a hug though. /hug
Laugh it off, smoke a bowl or drink a beer, and get back to painting. kkthx.
I got a fish!