Hello, my name is Cerridwyn1st, and I\'m a dipper...
I just got started dipping recently. Quite a few people in my area want me to paint for them, but don\'t necessarily want to pay my normal charges.
So I painted up a mini with a couple of colors, dipped it in Plaid acrylic wood stain - color walnut.
That model was my example of the lowest level paint job I was willing to do for hire. I had a method that was quick, easy, and made the customer happy.
That last bit is the important part. No matter what I think of the practice of dipping, in the end it is the customer\'s opinion that really matters.
So I pick up a dozen models, 2/3rds of them to be \"dip processed\", and two days later I\'d completed and collected on 3/4ths of the commission. Finishing nine models in three days has got to be a record for me.
Not saying this is the greatest paintjob in the world of modeling, but the customer was happy and I had my \"fun money\" for the weekend, so everyone came out good.