Purging my collection

I did the purge back in spring. I bought a paint set and needed room so I emptied the trunk full of minis and gave them away to the members of a facebook group I'm part of. I don't have a ton of room so I need to keep what the essentials are and store the rest appropriately. I tend to go through my stuff every year, sometimes more and find good homes for things I don't use. I'm not a collector though so I don't get attached to things easily. I just like to paint and send them along.


New member
My purge went wrong got rid off all my excess GW stuff and replaced it with a giant pile of infinity minis, with relic knights and sedition wars to come


New member
The purge is going well for me. No extra purchases and everything's a lot less daunting now my 'to paint' pile only numbers in the lower hundreds! No feelings of deep loss and panic just yet and no need to replace the things I've gotten rid of creeping in either. :)


New member
Thankfully my pile is now dozens rather than hundreds, plus they are much nicer models to paint. Really getting past the painting huge GW armies thing, that or I'm just getting too old.
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