Played first game of Warmachine...


New member
Originally posted by hashmallum
Yeah we played the first game 1 week ago ;)
I was playing Cryx , and my friend was playing Khador...
I got whooped :p
Sorscha\'s feat and critical strikes are terrible - my Deneghra got 3 criticals from sorscha and 1 feat , as did my 3 warjacks , so was frozen for 4 turns. Made a mistake sending my mechanithralls to fight infantry and snipers...
When they started disemboweling khadoran warjacks it was too late - Sorscha finished off my Dennie :(:flame:

This game rocks!
I\'m switching from GW, which was i my opinion too sow, and not \'gamer friendly\'.
Love the damage grids, love the fact that you don\'t have to browse through any books to deal damage and roll dice.
This game is future :p
And the minis are nice too ;)
Yeah, Dennie isn\'t really a match for Sorscha in melee combat. Next time, try slamming a warjack into Sorscha to knock her down, then charge her with jacks to finish her off. 90% of our games used to end with aggressive warcaster assassination. It might be down to 80% now. (The games still end with warcaster assassination now, but not quite as early in the game.)

@Product: often the aggressor in Warmachine is the winner. Take control of the field. Also if you plan on fielding Sorcha, I really recommend mortars or bombards. Sorscha\'s feat reduces DEF to 5, and even inaccurate mortars can hit a 5... most of the time. Also, consider a mercenary solo to augment your force... Gorman diWulfe or Eiryss. That have cool abilities, and your opponent will typically spend a lot of energy going after them, far more than they should warrant for the cost. Plus, the models are cheap. :D


New member
often the aggressor in Warmachine is the winner. Take control of the field. Also if you plan on fielding Sorcha, I really recommend mortars or bombards. Sorscha\'s feat reduces DEF to 5, and even inaccurate mortars can hit a 5... most of the time. Also, consider a mercenary solo to augment your force... Gorman diWulfe or Eiryss. That have cool abilities, and your opponent will typically spend a lot of energy going after them, far more than they should warrant for the cost. Plus, the models are cheap. :D

well, i also like the Eiryss model, but at the moment my local store havent got her, OR the mortars :(
Certainly hope they get \'em soon.. Else im gonna go with another jack...


Consummate Brushlicker
Spriggans and Devastators can be really fun too. Devastators are insanely tough (armor 25!) when they aren\'t attacking with their fists in combat. You can just headbutt and use their Rain of Death attack and smoosh everything around you.

Personally I\'m considering combining a Devastator and Kodiak for area of effect nastiness against infantry. I have no idea how it\'s gonna work (haven\'t used either Jack really) but it should be fun considering how many of my bloody friends use a giant mob of infantry in their army :D


New member
Do people actually effectively use Spriggans? I\'ve heard tales of them being too expensive.. but as an observer they seem like they could fill in some spots.


New member
Originally posted by Jericho
Spriggans and Devastators can be really fun too. Devastators are insanely tough (armor 25!) when they aren\'t attacking with their fists in combat. You can just headbutt and use their Rain of Death attack and smoosh everything around you.

Personally I\'m considering combining a Devastator and Kodiak for area of effect nastiness against infantry. I have no idea how it\'s gonna work (haven\'t used either Jack really) but it should be fun considering how many of my bloody friends use a giant mob of infantry in their army :D
As counterintuitive as it is, any attack from the Devastator lowers its armor to 17, not just arm attacks. I\'ve never quite figured out what the Devastator\'s role is...

Yes, Spriggans are great! So many armies can spam cloud effects to prevent charges. The Spriggan can use Flare to allow other jacks/units to charge right through and ignore the cloud. The \"reach\" of the lance and the +2 to attack on charge give it a bit more umph on the charge.


New member
I have yet to paly Warmachine. But it looks fun. I have pretty much one of every faction.

I was looking at Khador, but everyone and their grandmother seems to be playing them.

Any suggestions on an alternative.


Consummate Brushlicker
Any attack? I thought it specifically said lose 4 armor per fist you attack with in combat. I could be wrong, there could be multiple versions of the rules out for them, I dunno. I don\'t have any version in front of me, I just read it at a friend\'s house. Maybe it\'s a good thing that I haven\'t bought one yet!

I\'ll take your word for it, but I definitely think that\'s a big kick in the nuts if it becomes Armor 17 after any kind of attack at all.


New member
Originally posted by Jericho
Any attack? I thought it specifically said lose 4 armor per fist you attack with in combat. I could be wrong, there could be multiple versions of the rules out for them, I dunno. I don\'t have any version in front of me, I just read it at a friend\'s house. Maybe it\'s a good thing that I haven\'t bought one yet!

I\'ll take your word for it, but I definitely think that\'s a big kick in the nuts if it becomes Armor 17 after any kind of attack at all.
\"The Devastator\'s ARM is reduced by 4 for each disabled arm system. If the Devastator makes an attack its ARM drops to 17 until the start of its next activation.\"

That even counts for \"Rain of Death\", which is a *Attack.

@Ebonbuddha: There is a lot of room to move, even in Khador. You could go heavy Man\'o\'wars or all jacks or Iron Fang pikemen (sooo good for basic infantry.) The choices for a 500 point army are pretty vast.

I field Menoth for the models (the elaborate jack decoration, the knights, the choir, the Harbinger!) but I have a soft spot for Cygnar\'s \"in the trenches\" feel. Plus, there\'s always Hordes!
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