Paintscheme assistance required from all you masterful painters - pretty please?

Awesome! :eek:

Might be that the yellow in the chevrons is a wee bit too orange... afaik colours tend to lose intensity in smaller scales (i think plane modellers and stuff actually add increasing amounts of white with decreasing scale...)... maybe a bit brighter yellow would seem more... chevron-ish (now there\'s a word...) ? Still, looking awesome. Can\'t wait to see more.


New member
Here\'s todays update. The metal areas and largest sections are mainly finished. Just need some more black into the mix to add some extra shading to the areas most needing it. And some skulls and cabling that needs to be picked out and painted....not far from completing the legs, maybe another day on it will see it done...

Then onto the body....ooooh....big job!


Comments, suggestions, crits? OH! What do you think of the green oxidisation? Does it fit or should I lose it? I\'m not sure if I like it or not....


New member
Dudes, I\'m having difficulty deciding on what colour to paint the cabling and piping. It\'s getting real busy detail wise now, so I don\'t want to take it too far, but I don\'t just want to do the cables etc black either. Any ideas?


New member
I was a bit dubious about the yellow, but this looks cool.

In respect to the cabling, how about picking a few out in different colours look at the casing on real wires, reds, blues greens etc.

I would try and do them in darker, muted tones myself so they will not draw the eye towards them and take the focus away from the model.


New member
Okelly dokelly, a big update on my progress. I\'ve mostly finished the legs, just have to finish off some little bits such as some source lighting on the legs and the cables and about 5 skulls on the chains and stuff.

I\'m pretty happy with it\'s current progress but any extra advice or ideas are definitely welcome! :D








As complex as this baby is, I\'m having a blast painting it up. It\'s amazing seeing it come together like this, I\'m really proud of the way that it\'s come along. I\'d wanna be, the amount of hours so far!!!!


New member
Rightiomeho ho ho! Here\'s an update on where I am up to. Spent most of Monday finishing off the legs, they\'re pretty much done. I ended up doing the cabling in a mix of REALLY muted red, REALLY muted purple and black highlighted and washed with black, dark browns and greys. I think it looks alright. Will post some better shots of it once I have it all mostly done or after it\'s done.

Here\'s the painting WIPs:

After the metals were applied

Some details on the \"pilot\" - still a lot of work to do and this bit is the HARDEST bloody bit of the LOT

Sideview of the lot after the first slop run

And the last thing you see before you die!

As usual, comments, crits or suggestions are welcome. Any ideas on exactly what bits you guys reckon I should do yellow are welcome. I have some ideas, but they will be pretty fluid until I get what I\'m happy with....might call for some recoats!


New member

That thing is amazing!!!! Great work.

Could you please do me a big favor? Post a pic of it with a marine aside it so I can compare the size of that incredible engine of destruction :eek:

Keep it up


New member
I haven\'t read otrhers posts... but here is my idea for a scheme.

Dp the yellow and black panels on whatever... I\'m not sure if I would stick to their construction site stripes... Maybe do the panels in yellow, then free hand some stuff in black, then make scratches and wear and tear marks using metalics (so the pain tlooks scraped off), and add greace\\grime using washes of brown.

For the exposed parts, go with silver metalics. Basecoat a dark silver... then wash with blue\\brown inks combined. Then highlight with chainmail...

From there I would use glazes of green, brown, and blue selectively to break up the color and add depth to your metals everywhere. Maybe do like a blue tint near the top of parts, and green on the legs area, and brown in the dark nooks and crannies.


New member
I know I post lots of photos..... : D So I\'ve decided to just update this post with new photos....

I\'m still a little stuck here guys, I\'m thinking I need a little more yellow now that it\'s together, but at the same time it\'s almost in balance....I dont\' wanna damage the force....





Waddya reckon? I\'m a little, but not so much as before, stumped.....


New member
I feel like your desing doesn\'t really support the yellow now. The yellow spots look bizzaro... I dont really like them... I\'d suggest adding those blcak stripes now, or black freehand, OR turn the \"all yellow\" parts into all black, and add appropriate scratches.

The yellow just seems like its in spots it shouldnt be... especially on the upper right arm, and the left \"gun arm\". Either a different color in those spots, metalics, or adding some black


New member
Hmmmm....everyone seems pretty divided over the yellow....some love it some hate it some think it\'s ok and it\'s all pretty even! I think I\'ll reduce the amount on the back of the right arm a bit, but we\'ll see how that works.

Someone asked for a comparison, here\'s a pic with the bits beside an assault marine:


The marine is the undercoated model in front of the legs.


New member
New update today, todays work on it, not quite finished I\'ve gotta tone down the oxidisations. Missing 3-4 colours in the mix so that\'s why it appears so bright.

I\'m thinking maybe there\'s too much oxidised bronze, I think I\'ll have to drop some and take it back to raw metal, such at the two syringes in the front and the things on either side of the claw. Anyways, early days yet so I\'ll be doing more tomorrow....





Whaddya think?


New member
Ok guys, here it is. This is my last update before I post the finished model. It\'ll take me one or two days to finish but there\'s no point showing more updates before then, I fear, coz it\'s so close to finished now, and I\'ve made a modification (slight) to the overall model. That little weird sentinel style head I had beside the main one? I ripped it sick of it and it was starting to throw off the balance of the beast I believe. But you guys be the judges....

I\'ve tidied up stacks of bits, still got a heap more to tidy up but it\'s all the final straight, so if you have any final thoughts that this beast might need to have updated....other than his skinny legs... :D .... nows the time.. :D

On to the photos! Behold! The RIPLEY PATTERN DEFILER! :D








I know there\'s a lot of pics but I just LURVE how it\'s turning out! :D

I think I shall call it Ripley, and it shall be mine and we shall be friends...


Consummate Brushlicker
Looks great man. Very cool mini (if you can call it that ;)).

I looked through the thread quickly and didn\'t see anything on the colors you used... any chance of a breakdown for us?


New member
Well guys, it\'s soon to come to a close, as long as no one destroys my model while I rest from work on it for the day!!!! Most of the little bits are complete, all the skulls, cables and extras have been touched up or finished. Now all that is left is to finish tidying up the bulldozer yellow bits, the chevrons, add in the object source lighting from the lava (it\'ll be done small and tastefully, but appropriate), add some burnt logs and stuff to the base (Sebastians orders :D ), varnish and then gloss the areas like lenses, lava and ..... what else to start with \"L\"? liquid ... um ... wet blood :D

Should post up the final pics in the next few days. Ta ta Till then!
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