New Tyranid Models, Whats up with that?

Well, those spine banks \"merely\" act as having him equipped with frag grenades, so when attacking opponents in cover, he gets to strike with I 10, same as the defenders. As he usually has I 2 (i think...), that makes him that much more effective...


New member
refer the old genestealers, preferably the ones from the GW/MB Space Crusade game, very cool hands on those ones. The Broodlord figure also makes it possible to use the old Running Genestealer Patriarch model in a gmae again...fine stand-in for the Broodlord.

Boneswords are making a comeback too, I hear -- suddenly all those 2.ed. metal Warriors I\'ve got can do duty again w/o extensive (read: expensive) conversions -- also those old and very geeky 1.ed. plastic warrior (again from Space Crusade).

I\'m smiling!:D:D


New member
new nids, sure why not

i think that people are missing out on the raveners, which are by far the biggest improvement over the last set. sure they look like serpantine warriors, but at least the heads aren\'t oversized like the last.

the new lictors and fex i\'d take any day over the previous. can\'t wait to finish my ogre ninja to move on to my new army.

fat zombie

New member
i would happily buy a Tyranid army if

A) i had the money

B) it meant i could own, be near to that lovingly sculpted Carnifex. Gorgeous.

It truly is now an alien Angry House.


New member
Trying to figure out how the old Ancient Genestealer Patriarch on Throne model could be used....carried on a litter borne by genestealer grunts?...hmmm....
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