Wow, I've just noticed that I haven't posted on here this year yet!
I hope everyone's doing well! I've been ridiculously busy at work, but I've promised myself that I'd dedicate some time to paint in the evening whenever the opportunity presents.
I decided as a hobby resolution this year to spend less potential hobby time on posting, and more time painting, preferring to use Instagram to post pictures of WIP because it's quicker and easier for me.
This has helped me get more painting done, but by far and away the biggest change this year is to decide that I don't have to try and paint every model to my absolute best - truth be told it was putting me off / frustrating me when I couldn't do what I wanted. To make painting a little more fun, I decided that completing miniatures was more important to my development, so I decided I'd work on a sliding standard scale: "Board Game" (the lowest level for games like Zombicide with lots of minis and duplicate sculpts), "Table Top" (for most GW models), and "Display" (such as it is for me, where I try and do my absolute best!).
With that in mind, I thought I'd pop a quick update on here for what is effectively my "Board Game" standard Zombicide Season one zombies. All 64 started and finished in 2019 (I also finished of 28 additional zombies from expansion #1). It's almost certainly the most I've ever painted in a year, and only two months in, but it is absolutely definitely the most miniatures I've ever completed in such a short frame of time.
I'm not going to post them individually for obvious reasons, so I've just gone straight ahead and shown the season one boxed set horde all together.
It's been both motivating and satisfying to see models actually get finished, and I've definitely found I'm a quicker painter with all the practice - though it probably helps because of the duplicate sculpts!