
New member
So I was lurking around some other forums and I found this huge news

May- WFB and 40k Deamon release
June- LoTR release (Mordor) and Hordes of Chaos White Dwarf update
July- 40k 5th edition release
August- WFB Hordes of Chaos army book release
September- 40k Marines release
October- 40k replacement for \'Battle for Macragge\' release (Marines v Orks)
November- WFB Dark Elves release
December- 40k SPACE WOLVES codex release!!! This is a FULL codex release not a Blood Angels style White Dwarf update. However, no details have been revealed on it\'s contents or on the models- so anything you hear/see in that department is just rumour at the moment.

Yeah huge news to say the least


New member
Oh and this

Drop Pod

Yes, there will definately be new plastic DP models (priced similar to razorbacks at current knowledge). They will be launched when Planet Strike is launched at current thinking, any other news I have on that is purely grapevine and not concrete.

This is a definate but the price isn\'t yet. If I may I can tell you what has been worked out so far; which is somewhere around £120 (not strictly rumour as it\'s based on the price for the US market and converted using the present currency exchange rate). It is more than twice the size of the £60 Baneblade after all!

New Marine Models
No solid news here at all sorry. Lots of rumours but as I\'ve mentioned on another thread, I will only give out info once it\'s totally, utterly, definately solid.

Maccragge Replacement
Yep, I\'m afraid it\'s going to be more than a few months between the new 40k 5th edition release and the new 40k intro box release. From a marketing standpoint I can fully understand that decision. I have confirmation of sorts about what it contains but there\'s still a little doubt so I\'ll wait till a know for sure. I can tell you that it will be SM and Orks and each force will be an army in it\'s own right, ie, one HQ and two troops choices at least with ewach force getting additional options too (plastic Deff Koptas for example)

Dark Elves
About time too. Yep they\'ll definately be here before years end. Seriously looking forward to seeing what the design team has done here (models-wise I mean).

Craftworld Eldar
Ehem, not likely I\'m afraid. It\'s certainly not on the radar anyway... and yes, I know you were only part-joking.

New News
On the subject of Craftworld Eldar it reminds me that there is now confirmation that the four Chaos powers (40k) will be getting their own releases. Thus explaining why the Chaos Codex was a little on the slightly \'bland\' side in this department. There\'s no news on release dates or format nut it\'s already being worked on and is an absolute DEFINATE, not a rumour.


New member

i cant wait

drop pods?


space wolves?

new marine models? (are these completely new ones like a dinosaur cavalry or a replacement for older models??)

anywho sounds great!


New member
ALL HAIL THE ULRIK !!!! WHAT JOYOUS NEWS !!! :flip: :bouncy:

GOD bless ............VINCENTI.

P.S. My wife says I must go & take my medication !:D


New member
According to rumour it looks like GW are gonna jump on board with the pre heresy buzz, and the new sprues will have all the previous marks of armour on, dating back to MkII, which is the stuff the master of the armoury is wearing.


New member also has a few different pics.
they also have some fuzzy pics of the new starter box models which look suprisiengly detailed floating around.

Supposedly the land speeder models actually line up now.


New member
I wonder if the new marines will have a lot of bionic bits. A lot of people want to play Iron hands and also like the bionic bitz for conversions.


New member
Just as a side line did anyone hear about Spielberg being given £20m by GW and associated companies to start production of the Heresy films? I can\'t remember where i read it but it\'s been confirmed by some of the head office guys so if you have the link let me know i want to spread the word!


Consummate Brushlicker
Local manager says the Dark Elf Spearhead is due out in the third week of July, so a week after the 5th edition 40k rulebook is out. It\'s gonna be an expensive month... those minis are purdy!

BTW is this what you were referring to? It\'s dated 2001.


New member

I just love EM !!!!!! :flip: :bouncy: :flip: :D :flip:

GOD blesss ................VINCENTI


New member
Originally posted by Jericho
Local manager says the Dark Elf Spearhead is due out in the third week of July, so a week after the 5th edition 40k rulebook is out. It\'s gonna be an expensive month... those minis are purdy!

BTW is this what you were referring to? It\'s dated 2001.
yeah bloodquest went down hill pretty quick. quite a few probs, one of which was a lot of gamesworkshop imagery doesnt work! like power armour does move properly etc. i have a few of the vids they produced though, a couple of short space clips, a killa can and a dreadnought. pm me if any of you want them


New member
Originally posted by Bengoodall
According to rumour it looks like GW are gonna jump on board with the pre heresy buzz, and the new sprues will have all the previous marks of armour on, dating back to MkII, which is the stuff the master of the armoury is wearing.

I think this is great because I think that its stupid to equip the Chaos legions with the same type of weapons and armour that the loyal chapters wear. After all the legions have been cast adrift for thousands of years, and I dont belive for one second that they would have copied EVERYTHING that the Imperium has produced, yes I know they will have taken some from battlefields BUT would the Chaos armies not have designed more individual type weapons? or just continued to use copies of the origional weapons that they had?


New member
Originally posted by freakinacage
Originally posted by Jericho
Local manager says the Dark Elf Spearhead is due out in the third week of July, so a week after the 5th edition 40k rulebook is out. It\'s gonna be an expensive month... those minis are purdy!

BTW is this what you were referring to? It\'s dated 2001.
yeah bloodquest went down hill pretty quick. quite a few probs, one of which was a lot of gamesworkshop imagery doesnt work! like power armour does move properly etc. i have a few of the vids they produced though, a couple of short space clips, a killa can and a dreadnought. pm me if any of you want them

After having played the Dawn of War games and watching the Star Craft 2 cinematic trailer this weekend, i have really been puzzling over the impracticalities of moving in marine armour. The base of the legs are too thick and the should pads too restrictive.

I would love to see Marine armour \"advance\" a little in design. Sisters of battle have a thinner version that still offers the same protection, why can\'t marines get a more \"realistic\" and workable suit of armour?


New member
Groff, the thing that I find stupid is that brand new chapters, who would only recieve new marks of armour, end up wearing exactly the same marks as ancient legions, I realise that the loyal legions are gonna have far more numbers of modern armour marks, but they also use a lot of old ones, just look through the marine codex, theres a picture of the ultramarines in parade, and theres a lot of old marks there.

But Ill be glad to see that, be nice to be able to make heresy armour without having to cut hundreds of armour studs and chop guitar strings into their torso plates and thigh armour.

Now if only theyd pull finger and decide on old marks of terminator armour, seeing as the current stuffs all the same, even the chaos ones.

Only the newest loyalist marine stuff had the hip plates, so why does the chaos armour have it too?


New Chapters tend to be formed partly from new geneseed and partly from warriors selected from their primogenitor chapter. The first company would likely be drawn in this way and would be equiped with certain equipment, relics and traditions from their original Chapter. It\'s not like new Chapters just spring into being, fully formed with all their wargear brand spanking new. The newer the Chapter the less relics it will possess though.


New member
Well given that Terminator armour is \"incredibly old and most of the secrets of it creation are lost\" how the hell do they make new chapters? Same with plasma guns, they are supposed to be rare artifacts but nearly every imperial guard unit has one.
I had the Aspire to Glory drawback on my chapter so i couldn\'t take the relics and instead of using terminators, i was going to used very heavily armed and equiped marines to \"count as\" my unit of terminators.


Yeah terminator armour is portioned out when the new Chapter is formed so the newer the Chapter the fewer suits it will have. There are probably quite a few still to go around though, there were after all a couple of thousand suits per Legion back in the Heresy.

As for plasmaguns, they are still meant to be produced on many forgeworlds and munitions factory planets like Ryza and Necromunda. The downside is they are supposed to be rather poor copies and prone to catastrophic coolant system failiure.


New member
However according to the GW fluff, when the first company of the Ultramarines was wiped out, they had to recover all the suits and repair them. No spares for them.
My other wonder is that there is supposed to be a fragment of the Emperors terminator armour in the crux terminatus of each suit. Do requests come in for another 100 shards each time a chapter is created?
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