How would you describe your style?


New member
I quess it depends what kind of mini I\'m painting. Like some miniatures by rackham are rather cartoony, while 54mm historicals aren\'t Though I try to avoid really bright colors/style like old school Eavy metal style.

But all in all perhaps one word could best describe my style: FUBAR :bouncy:


New member
I try to avoid earthy tones, however lately all my commissions involve green and brown!!!

I do not mind bold colors as long as some colors remain desaturated. I think having a strong mid color is great, or a strong focal point, but other than that I like the rest of the model to be a bit subdued.

I do not mind bold colors as I think there are some painters who can work bold colors very color but desaturated colors here and there help my eyes a bit.

I would like to be able to paint metallics better, and figure out how to use glazes better since I see alot of people doing interesting things and achieving great blends using them.


New member
I would say I try for a gritty realism in my work. since I am mostly working in \"Iron Age\" timeframe mini\'s that means lots of simple colors, dark simple metals. It is actually kind depressing to see a reasonably well painted mini get poor votes due to adhering to a \"realistic\" look.

Infidel Castro

New member
My style is mostly struggling to finish, old-skool preference, cartoony and contrasting.

I\'ve actually got 3 pieces in various stages of completion, held back only by my lack of finishing power and - in one case - an horrifically mis-cast face :( Not my face you understand, horrific though it is :D
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