Nicely done GSR :good: they're coming along well.
How did you manage to break the bow? You're not handling the mini while painting are you? BluTack the base to an old paint pot to use as a handle. You needn't touch the figure itself now until after it's varnished.
Green is looking good. You've made the shade darker, now lighten the highlights. Not every single raised area. Just small amounts of thinned paint along the top brow of the hood for example. Mix a small amount of, let's say, Rotting Flesh into your base green colour to lighten it & have a go!
Yellow is a pain in the backside! The fact that you've managed to get it smooth is already great
Again, tiny amounts of a pale colour (Bleached Bone or White for eg) just to catch a few small spots of highlight.
Don't be afraid of pushing your highlights too far, if they get too bright, you can glaze back very easily without undoing all of your hard work. The main thing I find is to apply the highlights sparingly. Don't just paint over all of your dark & mid-tones! (been there, done that).
Whatever you've washed the brown with does look very glossy. A matt varnish once the paint is complete will be worth applying, it'll stop those glints of white light appearing from dark shadowy areas. Concentrate your shading a little to get definition between different areas of the same colour. Here, the glove, bracer & bracer lacing can all be painted the same colour but a black-line of shading around the stitches & wrist will help to define the seperate pieces of leather.
On the metals, don't be afraid to use some blue to shade/glaze with. It'll look nice & clean & play off the colour of the arrow fletchings. If you go for dirty, try green/brown/black rather than rust colours so that the armour doesn't get lost amidst the leather.
Get that green out of his forelock!
Keep in mind, although it's nice to complete a mini, a huge amount can be learnt getting most of the way through
If it's all starting to get a bit thick & bumpy, just move on to the next one. Keep this around for reference & once your skills have stepped up you'll be able to strip this one & start again! Though I suspect you'll have bought yourself something a little tastier by then
Cheers, B.