DO WSZYSTKICH Z POLSKI (wiecie o kogo chodzi)


New member
Jakis fiut systematycznie killuje moje figsy, wrzucajac mi same jedynki. Gigant jest wart co najmniej 9, wiec niemozliwe jest zeby przy ok. 14 glosach spadl z 9.3 na 8.8. LUDZIE OPANUJCIE SIE. Jesli ktos chce sobie podbijac swoje miejsce w liscie najlepszych to niech robi to przynajmniej uczciwie, a jesli to czysta zlosliwosc to po prostu jest zwyklym chujem. Ci co to przeczytaja mam nadzieje ze sie nad tym zastanowia. Ja w ten sposob nie dzialam, jesli figura jest warta 10, to daje 10. Nie rozpetuje tutaj wojny narodowej, ale sadzac po komentarzach jakie dostaje od ludzi spoza kraju, to raczej idiota tylko nie wpadlby na to, ze to tak... po polsku. To taka nasza polska przypadlosc. Debilna zawisc. Sam mam chujowo, to inny tez nie bedzie mial lepiej. No i takie kolezenskie podbijanie chujowych ludkow kumpli, a zabijanie z pelna premeda figsoov dobrych cudzych, jesli wiadomo ze tez z Polski,zeby kolega mial lepiej i dobrze sprzedawal na ebayu. Dajcie spokoj, bo to zwykle skurwysynstwo. Tyle mialem do powiedzenia. Pozdro dla wszystkich uczciwych.



New member
I think he\'s complaning about beeing sniped :p

Well I\'ll just use the same response as always:
Get over it it\'s just a score, and EVERYBODY (yes even me) gets sniped so your score is still a valid indicator compared to others.

Now, who\'s suposed to drink on sniping complaints :D


New member
hm i guess he is
but i must say that nurgle giant was awesome, there is now way of being it a 8.8 :(
it took months and looks flawless, best fiant sculpt i\'ve seen any one of the best overall sculpts


New member
Actually it\'s at 9.2
dosn\'t seem that bad to be. And actually the CMON anti-snipe systme seems to work. Or at least it as worked with my minis on sevral occasion.
@frenchkid , @Joshua : yes he is :) .

@ G I B B O N
niestety snajperzy to plaga tej strony. uwazam jednak ze stwierdzenie ze to tylko polacy to robia to jakies nieporozuminie. niestety takich ludzi mozna znalezc wszedzie. ja juz sie z tym pogodzilem. kazdy kto ma oczy i tak pozna sie na jakosci Twoich prac. ponadto po przekroczeniu 50 glosow , jedynki zostana odfiltrowane. ponadto mozliwe ze ocena figurasa spadnie nawet przy niwiele nizszej od sredniej ocenie (zwlaszcza na poczatku).nie znamy ulamkow jakie sabraneopd uwage przy kalkulowaniu wyniku.
to tyle ode mnie. nie zrazaj sie i publikuj dalej swoje prace :) !



Message original : frenchkid
Get over it it\'s just a score, and EVERYBODY (yes even me) gets sniped ...

J\'aime beaucoup le \"even\"!lol
But I\'m afraid you\'re right but this time ,at least,we have again the same complaint but in another language!:rolleyes:


Sven Jonsson
Well I also feel that greens are often underestimated in score. Some people never vote high on unpainted minis.

I like it alot. voted 9.5

BTW. I do prefer english in the forums. I actually googled myself to an english - polish translator to get the general idea.


New member
the nurgle giant is outstanding, doesn\'t need votes to prove that!

So do we get to drink for a sniper thread in polish? or drink twice? ???


New member
Nie przejmuj sie!

Widzisz? wszyscy ladnie sie wypowiadaja o twoim gigancie!
To znaczy ze jest poprostu swietny i nie musisz sie przejmowac opinia jakichs dupków których niewiadomo co ugryzlo!

But we are suppoused to write in english. Stay cool and don\'t care about the marks. Keep on workig.
PS. Cholera, tak wlasciwie to czemu to forum musi byc po angielsku?
Voted 10\'s on all 13 of your Giant pictures.

On a side note please type in English, most of use Americans can\'t read/write another language. Hell I have seen people on here that supposedly are native English speakers and they can\'t even get English right! Plus I know you can read/write the English language.


Already voted on that Giant!

Don\'t speak that language though. I can ask for Beer in German, French, Spannish & Greek.

\'Multi-National\' Andy


New member
I\'ve thought about this a little more, and I would bet that your giant will end up a touch underrated because there are so many photos of him. I think to some degree people tend to get oversaturated and annoyed with a lot of posts on the same subject. It doesn\'t take away from your acomplishment on your sculpting project, just trying to figure why you may end lower than it may deserve. This is likely especially true when 3 photos of the same item are all on the top 10 in last 7 at the same time (which seems to be the home of snippers).

Don\'t let it change your work is the most important thing (unless it motivates you to do better of course) and I would suggest your next major work combine multiple photos into 1 or 2 posts.



no hablo.

well a lot of people probably dont vote high on greens because of this...

Voting Guide: Pretend you\'re a Golden Demon judge. Painting skill, imagination and style are key!


New member
Originally posted by donga666
Already voted on that Giant!

Don\'t speak that language though. I can ask for Beer in German, French, Spannish & Greek.

\'Multi-National\' Andy

hope you know how to ask for the bathroom after all that beer ;)


Brushlicker and Freak!
Its a great sculpt, and it looks like the anti-sniper software has kicked in and recovered the scores somewhat, still very frustrating.

I just wish that was being cast up, its totally awesome.

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