Colour Blind?



that test made me feel really bad and inferior i had to stop:(
I can still paint though and havent made the tree beard mistake again:)


Sven Jonsson
@schmackeroo: You should continue and pick out the numbers only red/green colourblind people can see.

I\'m not colourblind at all so it seems. But I knew that as well.


New member
I have perfect colour and normal vision, the best person to check this is an optometrist (sp?) after all we are all innate hypochondriacs :D

Unfortunately this means i just suck at painting and don\'t have an excuse :D


Super Moderator
Passed with
(wait for it ).

Flying Colours.

Only problem I have is that I do have difficulty focusing on some shades of Blue due to my Astigmatism.


No problems seeing all the normal vision numbers and paths. However, two weird things happened while going through the test: the orange almost always hurt my eyes and what they described as \"blue-green\" in the later tests looked like olive green instead. I could also sometimes see the \"red-green\" only numbers, but they were very faint, like ghost images behind the \"real\" numbers.

I have astigmatism, though, so maybe I have an issue with blues, too? Could also be a monitor issue.



New member
Friend of mine int he national guard was furious a couple years ago that he couldn\'t get certified at parachuting because he was colorblind. He said \"who cares if I can\'t see if the light is green or red, the green light is always on the left!\"

they still wouldn\'t let him



New member
Yeah I didn\'t think my vision was necessarily messing up my painting, but then again it\'s only me that really gets to look at my miniatures so I could be just fooling myself.
I guess I\'ll see what affect it has when I finally manage to take a decent picture.


New member
A hobby shop owner I know told me about a fella who brought in his \"army\" for him to see. My friend says \"nice set of Brits\" Fella goes \" what da\'ya mean Brits. They\'re Russians! The old red/green. The moral: If tou\'re color blind-Don\'t paint alone.
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