In an effort to help you, misterjustin, I have programmed a small tool that will parse the text and give you a (more or less nicely formatted) list.
I programmed it in Perl, so will have to download a Perl distribution, for example
this one. (\"Get Active Perl\" - \"Download\" - \"Continue\" - choose the correct link for your OS, most likely \"Windows (x86)\")
To use the program, unzip all the files (duh) into any directory you like. From the forums, copy all the text on the thread pages into the input.txt file (Open a page of the thread in your browser, CRTL+A (select everything), CRTL+C (Copy), put the cursor into the input.txt file and press CTRL+P (Paste). Repeat until all pages are in the file.).
Now the important thing: The posts must be properly formatted by YOU, THE PARTICIPANTS!
The program parses for three signal words:
\"nick:\" (your nick), \"from:\" (your location) and \"to:\" (where you will ship to). The word after each of these words will be used, neither your nick nor your location or the parcels implied destination can have any spaces in it - if you need to insert spaces, use a \"_\" instead. There needs to be a space after the \":\" though. Here\'s my example:
Nick: Mosch
From: Germany
To: Anywhere
This should be parsed correctly and will be added to the list.
Note: I am not a great Perl programmer. In fact I have only just finished my third lesson... so in fact I\'m pretty bad, I suppose
If we have any good Perl programmers here, feel free to rummage around in my program and improve it. That is also the reason for not simply using the PM system.
Also, I have no idea how to export my data into a new file. As soon as I manage that, I will gladly update my program.
Legal notice: The program is actually unable to do any damage to your PC. If, through an act of god or bad fortune, it does manage to eff up your PC, I will not assume any liability.
Also, I just decided that I actually have to put a download link into my post
Here it is.