Saddly I didn't feel so good (nasal sinus) and passed on painting yesterdays evening. I hope to get better fast so my creative inspiration won't die off...
I did some planning on the flying potato with some computer editing.
Here's picture i took and the edited one. I decidet I will go with death guard green on the armour with some chipping and get some pimples and veins on the skin.
Sensational job ark- I’ve said it before the best and most promising painters incorporate their computers to help them simulate some bad ass effects and ideas. Way to go!!! I love it.
Nice work on the Sister Arkaan (although I'm not a fan of the mini to be honest....too busy for me).
As for the potato...the PS work looks great and adds a lot to the mini (which still confuses me....I want to like it....but cant decide if it is awful or not...) really hoping you can pull of some magic with this one!
I'm close to finishing this one... but I injured my right hand middle finger a little bit yesterday evening... last join is permanently bend for a while, well until I get a medical procedure. And that comes after visiting orthopaedist, so it will take a while. Not sure if I can make precision painting with that, I will try today or tomorrow evening to see what will happen.