

New member
Taking notes here as I'd love to upgrade my compressor to something with a larger tank & slightly quieter as I tend to airbrush next to the main bedroom :)

Quick connects: available at home centers. This makes it easy to change airbrushes (if you get hooked, you'll have several), or simply disconnect the airbrush for storage.

It's worth getting good quality quick connect valves. I started out using them but discovered the ones I'd got actually had a very tiny leak.

One thing I'll say is that although a "spring style coiled hose" seems like a good idea, it's not. As it will nearly always be under tension, you'll very quickly discover that it pulls on your wrist and restricts your movement.


New member

Juste pour vous dire que j'ai finalement acheté :

2 aérographes pour des emplois bien différents.
- 1x IWATA HP-C Plus avec un godet au dessus pour ma peinture de figurine
- 1x IWATA ECLIPSE HP-BCS avec un un flacon en dessous pour peindre des choses beaucoup plus massives.

Pour le compresseur, j'ai pris un IWATA POWER JET PRO. Celui qui a deux branchements pour mettre deux aéros.

Je suis vraiment très content de tout ça et ça me sert vraiment bien. :)
Merci à vous pour vos conseils avisés !
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