a good buy

mud duck

New member
my step-uncle was selling at a flea market and what did I find but a tackle box of my cousins 2nd edition Eldar, maybe 200 bucks of lead plus a ArmorCast Scorpion for $35. Was honest and payed $100 for it.


New member
Originally posted by No Such Agency
Yeah, great deal... now you\'re on the DEA\'s watch list.

Sadly that\'s probably quite true. There are alarmed rumours going around Board Game Geek about US officials trying to make little plastic bags illegal, and I guess that would be almost as upsetting in the mini world.

My best deal... I used to work for a game store, and the people who ran it also ran a distributor business. At least twice a year we\'d have buy one get one free sales, which were pretty nice, cheaper than employee discount, even. But then they decided to close the distributor business and wanted to clear out a warehouse in about a month. The discount started at 30% off and kept dropping, finally going down to 80% off. Off of everything, the whole store.

Lots of hot stuff went pretty quickly, of course, and I didn\'t buy everything I bought at the full 80%, but I got a ton of minis, board games and back issues of Knights of the Dinner Table for cheap.

The funny thing is you\'d assume whatever was left no one would want. The next week some guy came in and was delirously happy to find something for full price that we hadn\'t been able to sell in upteem buy one get one sales or at 80% off.

Amazon warrior

New member
I bought both Shanys the Shade and Ash\'an Tyr for half price at my LGS. Not bad considering what they can go for on fleabay! :D (True, the cards are in German, but they were never in English anyway.)


New member
This last Sunday I was at a local gaming convention (link for locals) and at the flea market tables I picked up 30 GK marines, 5 GK termies, a GK Venerable Dreadnought, a Lord in Termie armor with retinue (6 models), and the codex for $150 US. I was pretty happy. : ) I also got a zip-lock bag of the 2 sprues (and decal sheet) for 5 regular marines for $4 US at the table next to the first. : )

And to top it off I got a 2nd place and a 3rd place award in the painting competition. : ) (2nd in Sci-Fi squad for some GK termies I already had and 3rd in Sci-Fi single for an Infinity \"Cutter\"). I won back half of my badge fee. :)

It was a good day all around.



New member
At a convention flea market a few years back, one seller had a box full of loose figures he was selling for $1 each. I was able to pick up some GW Confrontation (pre-Necromunda) figs and flip my $5 for $150. Not a ton of money, but it looks good percentage-wise ;).
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