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  1. L

    Sherlock Holmes sculpt by MIKH

    I'm really pleased to show the second model from my new mini company. Sherlock Holmes (an evil, crime committing rather than solving version of the character) sculpted by the rather awesome MIKH. It's truly mind blowing to see this level of sculpting up close, so I hope everyone else finds...
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    Iron Painter 8 - Round 4 - Forbidden

    I'm quite chuffed with this one. Not the very best painted thing I've ever done, but all the brush work was done between 2.30pm on Wednesday and 7am today, so 16 and a half hours in one heavy duty session. The build was done over a few days beforehand. You can see the story behind it at the Wyrd...
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    Infamy Miniatures is online

    Hello! As some folks around these parts know, I've been putting together a new miniature range over the last year or so, with the aim of making really high quality resin miniatures. Initially they will all be at 32mm and are sculpted by some of the best guys out there. Well, I've finally got my...
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    James' sculpty stuff

    OK, I finally caved in and decided I need to start using the digital sculpting books I own and actually learn ZBrush. It gives me a nice break from painting. I know it's not quite what people around here are used to, but hopefully if I get the hang of this, I'll be making some models to print...
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    My new mini company

    I've been developing a range of models and a world for them to reside in over the last year or so, and the first release is finally getting cast up at the moment. I'm still keeping things rather hush hush as far as giving up any really huge detail. I'm not going to mention the company name or...
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    Post your PC desktop

    Think I remember a thread like this a long while back, but can't find it. Search fail! What state is your PC's desktop in (or Mac for all you arty farty types) and what's your background of choice? I find this sort of thing always gives some interesting insights. Me, I cycle the picture with a...
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    New Vampire Counts

    Despite being full of ill, I've been beavering away at the new VC models. Rather than post all the pics here, I've got a page on my blog that has them all - Some are almost done, but there's a way to go with others, so throw feedback my way. Here's the...
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    Project 666 minis

    I'm going to put up all the finished minis from my blog in this thread, so if I keep to my goal, it will have 666 painted minis in it by the end of 2012. The first model I've done is a Space Marine Captain who I painted up as a Salamander. I'm not particularly happy with the photos that I'm...
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    My new blog for 2012 (and beyond) - Project 666

    Hey everyone, I've stuck up a blog that I'll be updating throughout next year. It can be found at The plan is that I'll paint 666 miniatures over the course of 2012 and document my progress/fall into madness in the blog. I hope that folks see some things they like...
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    Building a blog WIP

    Hey everyone. Very soon I'll be launching a blog and over the course of next year, I'll be updating it with a heck of a lot of hobby stuff. For now though, I need to fine tune it and get it working how it should. As a former web developer you'd think this would all be in my skillset, but I...
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    Lono's painting blog

    I'm just entering the final part of a fairly major life type transitional thingy. Friday 25th was my last day working as a web monkey so I'm now completely done working for 'The Man', and with P45 in hand, I'm skipping into the abyss of self-employment. To celebrate I've spent the weekend...
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    Models not getting as many votes as they used to?

    Not really sure what board to put this on as I'm not sure if it's a bug, a change in voting trends or what, but ever since the relaunch of the website, none of my models seem to go above the 30-35 votes level. It may be a total coincidence, but I wondered if anyone else has experienced something...
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    Skaven Blood Bowl team

    I really needed a break from painting sailing ships after doing so many last week. Found myself doing this Skaven team last night and tonight. It was sprayed with brown already, but I didn't expect to get it done so quickly. I seem to have the speed painting thing down to a very rapid rate now...
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    Loads of Dreadfleet

    Hullo! Over the last week I painted up two sets of Dreadfleet. It was a bit of a mission, but I came through pretty much unscathed and am very pleased with the final standard considering how long they took. I don't want to fill this post with a ridiculous amount of pictures so it's probably...
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    I'm currently painting up Dreadfleet. Actually, I'm painting up Dreadfleet x2. Really got into it yesterday and did a longer painting session than I have in years. Probably 12-13 hours. I got loads done. I've taken pics of everything I've made progress with so far. Not the best quality, but I'll...
  16. L

    Wedding cake topper

    In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only cake! Or something like that. :) Here's a gift I've just finished off for my friends who are getting married tomorrow. It's designed like a traditional bride and groom wedding cake topper, but with a model representing each of the...
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    Grindhouse Blitzhund

    I finally finished off the Blitzhund that I did as a step-by-step a while back. Turfed out a base for it and stuck him on. Took a little over two hours to finish this guy off. I plan on doing a load more Incursion models at some point, but I've got so many other things going on, who knows when...
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    So, GW are releasing a new limited edition gamey thing like they did with Space Hulk. It's called Dreadfleet and it looks to be an update of Man O War with a bit more of a background worked into it. I think the ships are pretty cool and the hobby geek in me is excited. Also, there's potential...
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    James' non-profit projects thread!

    Hello! I've been painting tons of stuff for Ebay recently, but it's not all about the money making. I have various other projects on the go and figured it wouldn't be a bad plan to make a separate thread for them. Now seems to be a particularly good time to do it, because I'm just starting out...
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    Turning the hobby into a job

    Cliffnotes before I find my flow I'm quitting a secure, well paid job to start my own mini company and paint models for cash. I just feel like telling people who may understand a bit more than my non-hobby friends and family I suppose. They're being supportive, but they don't exactly 'get it'...
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