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  1. L

    Selling some minis (Fire Industries, Barbarian Dude, Forge World etc.)

    Hello folks. I'm moving house very soon and it's left me very broke, so I've reluctantly stuck some of my more prized minis on eBay. I'm gutted to be getting rid of them, but sometimes life takes a priority over geekery. :( Along with all sorts of GW bits are: The Barbarian Dude Fire...
  2. L

    Infamy Miniatures sale, Salute stuff and new releases

    Hello! I thought I'd stick a post online to let you know what I'm doing with my company - Infamy Miniatures - this weekend. I love the smell of spam in the morning... smells like victory! ;) But I am really excited about it all, so please forgive me my enthusiastic sharing of info. :) Online...
  3. L

    Ticket #66

    Hey, I emailed about a problem with my account's subscription a while back. I sent another inquiry through the contact form and I've still not heard back. Could you please respond to the ticket. Thank you.
  4. L

    Infamy, Infamy, they've all got it Infamy

    I may already have used that title... Ah well, not to worry! I thought I'd stick a post up discussing what is going on with my little range of models right now. Things are reasonably exciting at the moment and it feels good to have something of a surge of activity happening so I wanna share. :)...
  5. L

    Abaddon and Loken unboxing

    Hey hey. I got this kit through the post today along with some other Forge World goodies, so I decided to do a bit of an unboxing. It's my first, so be gentle with me! ;) I know there are a fair few Horus Heresy fans around these parts, so you can check it out on my blog if interested. Quite...
  6. L

    New Year, new blog

    Hullo, hope everyone is enjoying 2013 so far. I've finally snapped myself into work mode after an extended holiday and launched a new blog. I bashed it together this afternoon, so it's entirely possible there are a few errors, but I thought I'd stick a link here and see if anyone had thoughts...
  7. L

    Frank Hyde by Arsies

    Hey, here's the studio paint job for my latest Infamy release. I think this is my favourite model that Javier Gonzalez (Arsies) has painted for me. I just love how the big guy has come out. :)
  8. L

    Purging my collection

    Over the last week or so I've done something that many people here may see as utter heresy. I've scythed my collection of hobby stuff down to a miniscule size versus the majestic mess that it once was. Paints, tools, brushes, sculpting gear and in particular my boxes upon boxes of minis and bits...
  9. L

    Frank Hyde - new from Infamy Miniatures

    It's been a while coming, but I finally have a new release in my steampunk mini line. Frank Hyde is a member of the Monstrous Menagerie and although he's still at the 32mm scale he's a pretty bulky brute. Sculpted once again by MIKH (who just became a daddy! Hurray!) Frank is up for pre-order...
  10. L

    Forge World Malus Darkblade

    Hey, I've got a fair bit up on eBay right now (as per usual to be honest!) but I'm getting rid of an old Forge World Malus Darkblade model which I've been holding onto and telling myself I'll eventually paint for way too long. I've not seen a lot of these coming up online so thought I'd give a...
  11. L

    A batch of my latest stuff

    Have painted up a bit of stuff over the last week or so. Nothing terribly spectacular, mostly going for solid tabletop finishes. More pics in the votey pages. I'm working on some other Forge World stuff at the moment which should hopefully be done to a bit of a higher standard. :) HELLBRUTE -...
  12. L

    Vermin Lord, Wood Elf and Grey Knights

    Lots more new stuff from me. I painted these towards the tail end of last week. I'm kinda busy with some office type work this week, so not sure I'll have a lot more on until late in the week.
  13. L

    Loads of Necrons (and a giant)

    So, I've been pretty busy of late getting a crap load of Necron bits painted up. I seem to have misplaced some of the rank and file blokes, otherwise I'd have them done too, but this little lot ain't a bad start. There's also a giant, which is a conversion from an old one that I had done...
  14. L

    More new stuff - Big Beastmen blokes

    Here's a few more recently painted minis (pretty large minis for sure) and this Ghorgon and Cygor damned near sent me batty with the amount of skulls collected about their person. There are more views on the votey pages. Ghorgon - Cygor -...
  15. L

    Been a while - new stuff

    Here's a new mini I painted yesterday, an old model I tidied up and a model I half painted 7 years ago that I finally finished. Not quite firing on all cylinders, but good to have a few things painted up. Ogre Kingdoms Battle Standard Bearer - Dwarf Grudge...
  16. L

    Ebay stuff - Rackham and GW

    Hey, I have various eBay auctions ending today that include quite a bit of OOP Rackham models and various GW bits too. If anyone's interested they've got about 6 hours left and can be found at
  17. L

    Latest stuff - Hordes Circle group and GW Orcy bits

    Been a while. Here are some of my more recent painting projects. A Hordes job that included a conversion of Kaya to better match her artwork in the book, then some O&G stuff for eBay. The mounted Warboss was a speedy job in less than 4 hours and the Trolls had been part done earlier in the year...
  18. L

    Doctor John Watson sculpt

    Set to be the third release from Infamy Miniatures, I'm running a kickstarter type thing to get him cast up at the moment. It's a good way to get Infamy models a bit cheaper so please check it out and spread the word. :) This model has been sculpted by...
  19. L

    Doctor John Watson - Infamy Miniatures

    Hello boys and girls. My 2,000th post on this wonderful site and to celebrate the milestone I may as well pimp out another Infamy model. :D I'm very pleased to show Doctor John Watson who is at 32mm scale and was sculpted in frankly stunning detail by MIKH. If you like the look of the model...
  20. L

    Win a new Infamy Miniatures Sherlock Holmes

    Most people spam promote with their first post here, but not me. Oh no, I spent years lulling you into a state of trust, making almost 2,000 posts before revealing my true spamtastic nature! ;) Ha! Hopefully nobody minds too much, but I'm doing that most terrible thing - the search for facebook...
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