Started painting in Iraq to burn off stress. Had some Walmart paint and some cheap brushes I cut to fit my needs. My buddy sent me obsolete Warhammer 40K models because they're inexpensive.
After the army I was on and off with models. Time works differently in polite, productive society. Recently I've rekindled the drive to paint and with my wife we have improved a lot over the last couple months.
But I look back at my firsts, the ones painted with junk tools, with great fondness.
Motorcycles, radio, photography.
After the army I was on and off with models. Time works differently in polite, productive society. Recently I've rekindled the drive to paint and with my wife we have improved a lot over the last couple months.
But I look back at my firsts, the ones painted with junk tools, with great fondness.
Motorcycles, radio, photography.