The Treelord (Dark Treelord)
This is my second painted version of my Treelord miniature. I call this the Dark Treelord. I mention the sculpting aspect in the original Treelord posting, so I will discuss the painting in this post. I love Halloween, and the colors involved with that day. I wanted to paint a Nightmare Before Christmas style tree. I quickly noticed that with all that black and grey the miniature was going to end up quite boring. I decided to make a light coming from inside the tree, like a jack-o-lantern. This was in keeping with my theme, so I tried some intense fixed-light shading. I used mainly Citidel and Vallejo colors, and a Vallejo peint retarder for blending, as I do with most of my minis. I used a white undercoat for the lighted areas, several coats of red, orange and yellow to intensify the area, and a final airbrushed blend of yellow to further intensify the light. I finished off the light with a yellow-white and a white highlight. I am proud to offer the resin castings of this miniature through If you wish to see another painted variation of this miniature, plese check out Thanks so much to everyone who votes and comments. Thank you Coolmini. Take care. Sophie.
Posted: 15 Aug 2005